Sunday Teaching: An Advancing Gospel Community: Enjoys Authentic Christianity (Philippians 3:1-11)
Read moreWhat We Were Before the Gospel (Galatians 3:23–29)
In this passage, Paul will tell us what faith in the gospel does to us. When we truly believe, what happens to us? Paul will explain it to us in fairly radical terms, first by telling us what we were (the bad news) and then by telling us what we are (the good news). So, let us look first at what we were.
Read more04 An Advancing Gospel Community: Breaks Into Darkness (Philippians 2:12-30)
Sunday Teaching: 04 An Advancing Gospel Community: Breaks Into Darkness (Philippians 2:12-30)
Read moreThe Law Complements the Gospel Because It Combatted Sin until Christ Arrived & Reveals Our Need for Christ (Galatians 3:19-22)
Last week, we began looking at how the law complements the Gospel, the first way being that it arrived after Christ was promised - over four centuries after the promise made to Abraham and his offspring.
Read moreThe Law Complements the Gospel Because It Arrived after Christ Was Promised (Galatians 3:15-18)
In a sense, there is no bigger question than the one Galatians attempts to answer: How do we relate to God? Do we experience God as a reward for good works? Do we gain fuller and more complete revelation of him by keeping more of his law as revealed in nature, conscience, or Scripture? Or do we encounter God by his grace? Do we enjoy him through faith in his promises?
Read moreO3 An Advancing Gospel Community: Participates in God's Kingdom (2:1-11)
Sunday sermon (Part 3 of Philippians):
O3 An Advancing Gospel Community: Participates in God's Kingdom (2:1-11)
Read moreThe Gospel of Grace Brought the Spirit to Us (Galatians 3:10–14, ESV)
Through this passage over the past couple of weeks, we’ve examined two reasons the gospel of grace transfers us from curse to blessing: it shows us the way of faith and that Christ is the one to consume the curse. The third reason the gospel transfers us from curse to blessing is that it brought the Spirit to us. Because Jesus died and rose, when we believe in him, we become recipients of the Holy Spirit (cf. Eph. 1:13-14, 2 Cor. 1:22). He is God, and he makes his home in us. Paul explained this truth this way:
Read more02 An Advancing Gospel Community: Lives Worthy of the Gospel (Philippians 1:12-30)
Sunday Teaching: 02 An Advancing Gospel Community: Lives Worthy of the Gospel (Philippians 1:12-30)
Read moreGospel Blessing: Christ Was Cursed for Us (Galatians 3:10–14)
Last week, we began looking at how the gospel transfers us from curse to blessing, the first way being that it promotes the way of faith. The second reason the gospel transfers us from curse to blessing is that Christ was cursed for us. This is what we must believe. For this point, Paul again quotes from Deuteronomy. He wrote:
Read more01 An Advancing Gospel Community: Partners Together (Philippians 1:1-11)
Sunday Teaching: 01 An Advancing Gospel Community: Partners Together (Philippians 1:1-11)
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