Nate Holdridge

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A Tale Of Two Men from Ecclesiastes 10:18

“Through sloth the roof sinks in…” (Ecclesiastes 10:18).

There was once an old man of incredible talents. He had ability rarely found in the world. But in his latter years he sat alone. Poverty had overtaken the man, for he was slothful.

In his younger years, when it became apparent he was gifted and talented, he began to neglect those gifts and talents. Soon, his giftedness rusted. His talents wore away with the years. Since he lacked focus, nothing of substance was ever created by his life.

There was once an old man of marginal talents. He had the same abilities most people have. In his latter years he sat surrounded by those he loved. Provision and abundance were his, for with focus he had worked with all his might.

In his younger years, when it became apparent that he was of average talent and ability, he worked hard with what he had. Soon, abilities he hadn’t previously known began to emerge. His rather normal talents grew stronger over the years. Because he had focus, his life became a wellspring of blessing to all around him.

Let not sloth overtake you. Let it not cause your roof to cave. Let focus and determination and a strong work ethic build a strong house for you in the years to come.