Nate Holdridge

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Never Totally Spent

The jar of flour was not spent, neither did the jug of oil become empty, according to the word of the LORD that he spoke by Elijah.” (1 Kings 17:16, ESV)

Brutal. It was absolutely brutal. Ascending the final series of hills — the worst hills of the entire 32 mile race — the feeling was surreal. I’d never run that far. My entire body felt decimated. My strength was gone. I wanted that finish line badly.

Once across the line, I sat and ran inventory on my body and mind. I felt spent in every way, mentally and physically torn up. But, after a little rest, I walked to my car, drove home, showered up, and recovered. I lived.

Do you ever feel emptied out, like you have nothing left to give? With the Lord, there is always a fresh and daily supply of His grace. His mercy and grace is fresh and new every morning.

Sometimes I feel so tired in the work He’s set before me. This is life. As we run our race, fatigue sets in. Sometimes those mountains are brutal. Sometimes the injuries are severe. Sometimes our resources are depleted. But His grace has always been there to pick me up on this journey.

The verse I quoted above has this concept in it. I read this passage recently and immediately saw how my ‘jar of flour’ and ‘jug of oil’ have never completely run out. Elijah had told the widow at Zerephath that her jar of oil and flour wouldn't empty. Miraculously, God provided like Baal could not. Those jars never emptied.

God is always there to fill me up. His word has always been a fresh supply of grace and motivation. It has given me the ‘endurance’ and ‘encouragement’ I’ve needed to run (Romans 15:4-5). It is always there for me.

Perhaps you are feeling the fatigue of a big climb in life. Your proverbial lungs are about to burst. Your legs are screaming at you to stop. Keep moving. His supply is fresh. As we move, He meets us. His word and Spirit are available afresh today. Read. Pray. Think on Him. Cry out to Him. Fellowship with Him. He is ever ready to continue to give His supply to you, propelling you to the finish line.

How about you? When have you felt your energy was about to expire, only to find God faithful to help you?

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