Nate Holdridge

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Calvary Challenge

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Nate & Riley discuss the Calvary Challenge

Goal: Become a better you for God, yourself, and your people while you shelter-in-place.

This is a crazy time we're living in, and the next few weeks seem primed to dark days. Therefore, in an attempt to help us keep our eyes on Christ and have the best possible chance at making it through this time with spiritual health, I am issuing a challenge to our church family.

To me, the word and prayer, moving your body, nourishing your soul, avoiding the over-consumption of news media, and generosity are all helpful in handling life's sorrows. Thus, the rules of the challenge. I hope it becomes a fun way for people to encourage themselves and others to keep their eyes on Christ and do the things we know lead to health.


  1. Start every day with Bible and prayer.
  2. 40 minutes of exercise daily.
  3. Read 10 pages from a spiritually edifying book daily.
  4. Check the news a maximum of twice daily.
  5. Give something genuine daily (money, compliment, Scripture, time, phone call).

The challenge stands until our Monterey County (or whatever county you're living in) shelter in place order is rescinded.

If you'd like to hear more about this, myself and Pastor Riley Manzo recorded conversation talking more about each rule, along with the reasons and heart behind each. Pray about it! We'd love to have you join us!