Nate Holdridge

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Calvary Monterey Coronavirus Update

Dear Calvary Monterey church,

I wanted to reach out to update you regarding what Calvary will be doing in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) in California. Please read this entire update, and check back to for additional updates.

At the point of writing you this note, there are no confirmed cases of the virus in our county, but many experts think it's on its way. Federal, state, and county health officials have asked citizens everywhere to help combat the spread of this virus through various measures. At Calvary, our desire is to help our community fight coronavirus and to help our church family navigate this season.

The state of California has requested the cancellation or postponement of gatherings of more than 250 people. Smaller events without enough room for social distancing of six feet per person should also be postponed or canceled. People who are considered high risk should follow guidelines regarding gathering in groups. As of this writing, Monterey County has not made any additional requests or requirements.

This Week: No Gatherings (Online Only)

Because of this, we will not hold physical church gatherings this week (March 15-21). This means Sunday, Tuesday Night Church, Life Groups, and all smaller ministry gatherings are canceled for this week. We will instead meet online. The larger meetings are canceled at the request of the governing authorities. The smaller meetings are canceled for the week so our pastors, staff, volunteers, and leaders can learn & plan more before proceeding in smaller settings.

While we know it is possible this coronavirus could require cancellations beyond this week, we thought it prudent to see how Monterey County responds. We are monitoring the situation and will update you next week about our gatherings for the rest of March.

This Week: Live Stream!

Though we cannot meet as one, we do plan on live streaming services to you at our regularly scheduled times on Sunday (9 am, 11 am, & 6 pm). I am stoked we have this opportunity. Please go to to catch the service! I am growing excited about the word God has put on my heart for you during this time.

This service will also be available online after the stream so that you can view it anytime after Sunday. Rather than meet as one, Calvary Monterey will be meeting in hundreds of locations throughout the peninsula.

But, let me be clear, the church cannot be canceled. We aren't an event, but a people redeemed by the blood of Christ. We meet outside the walls of our church facility all the time. We love one another. And, though we love having a public place from which to honor Christ together, we know He is still among us even when we cannot be in the same space together.

A live stream is not a replacement for a church gathering. You can't really have church online. But we pray this is a help to your walk with Christ. As you gather with your family or friends, we pray the teaching and prayers streamed through the internet will be a source of strength for you during this season.

I am sure some of you will not like the decision to go online this week. Neither do I. I always want the church to meet. Sundays are of utmost importance.

I can only say it is not a decision we made lightly. Santa Cruz county asked local churches to refrain from meetings with more than fifty people. Doctors in our fellowship have expressed concern about meeting. And for all we don't know about coronavirus, it seems clear we can slow its spread by refraining from large gatherings. This means love compels us to refrain from meeting for the betterment of others, at least for this week.

Personally, I am not nervous about the coronavirus, but want to display an overabundance of caution for the sake of others. In our desire to be good citizens, I think this is the best way to help combat the threat of this virus. In short, it seems the best way to love our community right now is by avoiding large-scale meetings that might endanger them.

This Week: Prayer

All that said, the pastors of Calvary Monterey feel compelled to pray. For health. For grace. For revival.

We originally planned on hosting prayer meetings onsite at Calvary during this next week, but as things have developed further we have decided to cancel our morning prayer gatherings. Please do not show up at the previously posted prayer times. However, we want to encourage everyone in our church family to spend time in prayer daily in these three ways: 1) Wisdom for our nation’s leaders 2) that the spread of the virus would slow 3) Calvary Monterey and churches all over the world would shine in this hour with hope and care.

If you or someone you know needs prayer, please email

Compassion, Common Sense, and Faith

Let me urge you: let's be a people who lean into Jesus during this time. As for myself, I am not afraid. I know we live in a fragile world beset with brokenness. I am trusting God. I believe he would call us to compassion, common sense, and faith.

First, this is a frightening time for many, so we must be compassionate with those who feel overwhelmed and scared by the prospects of this virus. If you are skeptical of the seriousness of this disease, you must be respectful and sincerely loving towards those who aren't. If you aren't in a demographic identified as in particular danger, you must love and serve those who are.

Second, it is also a crucial time, a window where we can join together to fight the potential spread of this virus, using common sense measures recommended and mandated to us by the governing authorities. The CDC prescribes personal guidelines you should follow. At our church facility, we are prudently cleaning and disinfecting surfaces that our congregation is likely to touch, such as in our restroom, doorknobs, and counters, and have hand sanitizer located throughout the campus.

Third, this is a disorienting time, one where believers can recall how little control we have over our environment by turning to our sovereign God in faith. When the world is out of control, He is in control. In fact, we were never in control in the first place.

Even as I write this, my heart is heavy. I don't want to cancel anything. I love gathering with my church family.

For that, I recall the message Pastor Jered Thomsen delivered to us a few Sundays ago. He taught 1 Peter 5:7 -- "Cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7, ESV). Let's do this together, Calvary. I know God is working on our behalf.

In Christ,

Pastor Nate