Nate Holdridge

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Learn This Prayer (Psalm 119:73)

"Your hands have made and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn your commandments." (Psalm 119:73, ESV)

Quick. Notice the prayer. It takes 1.7 seconds to read.

Give me understanding that I may learn Your commandments.

Man, there is nothing to that prayer. Easy. Fast. But, prayed with sincerity, so powerful.

The Word is there, a life source for all who would know it. But we need God's guidance. The Spirit who searches the Word also searches us. So we must ask Him to teach us.

When we open the Bible, we should ask God to give us understanding, to grow us in our knowledge and experience of Him in His Word.

It's a prayer He put in His book, after all, so let's ask God every day to give us the understanding to learn His commandments.