Nate Holdridge

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The God Who Sees (Genesis 16)

The angel of the Lord found Hagar by a spring of water in the wilderness...And he said, "Hagar, servant of Sarai, where have you come from and where are you going?" (Genesis 16:7-8)

Hagar -- the mother of the Ishmaelites -- was found by God. Young, disillusioned, and abused, she fled for her life. As she ran into the wild, God ran in wild pursuit. She could not outpace his grace. She could not go where he was not. He saw and heard her. Though alone, she was not alone.

And there, in the wilderness, God told her she would have a son. His name would be Ishmael, which means "God hears." he would become a strong nation. In response, Hagar named God "the God who sees." She had come to believe God had both heard and seen her affliction. He had met her in her pain.

It is important to notice how Hagar came by this incredible revelation. It was in the wilderness, on the run, while beaten down and persecuted, that God revealed himself to her. She saw great things while in the trial of her life.

And God hears and sees you. It is important to recall this, especially in times of pain. I wonder how many individuals in our world are currently enduring their own Hagar-moment. They feel alone, in the wilderness, and without hope. In their destitution and despair, God hears their humble cries for his mercy. His ear is open. He listens.