Nate Holdridge

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Truth Can Be Acquired. Here's How. (Proverbs 18.15)

“An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” (Proverbs 18:15).

One mark of the last days is a perception that one cannot arrive at any real conclusions about God. Some will be "always learning, never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth" (2 Timothy 3:7). But the truth can be found; knowledge, as our proverb states, can be acquired.

But notice how the wise go about finding that knowledge — with their heart and with their ear. This means the wise person uses all of themselves, their inner and outer man, their inside and outside organs, to pursue the truth. They open their mind to God’s word, but also set their physical eyes upon it. They pour out their heart to God but also use their tongues to speak to Him. They set their spirit on a quest for illumination from God in His word, but they also use their ears to listen to His messengers. They happily groan in approval when the word is taught, but they also take notes. The whole body of the wise person — inside and out — is used in the pursuit of truth.

The truth — for that wise person who uses their whole body in search of it — is found and acquired. Sure, it is a lifelong journey, for the internal library of the Christian ought to be ever-growing, but the truth can be found. Conclusions can be arrived at, but the understanding of those conclusions should run deeper until the day of Christ. The believer can conclude, for instance, that Jesus is divine, but their study of the word should take them into a more comprehensive understanding of that truth as the years go by. So, in an age where uncertainty is fashionable, let us set our whole person onto the pursuit of certainty regarding God's word.