Nate Holdridge

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Special Calvary Monterey Announcement: Tuesday Night Church

Hey everyone!. It is my privilege to share a special announcement with you about something which could shape our church for years to come. No, it isn't about potential expansion, though that is an important subject. Instead, it's about something much closer to my heart as Calvary Monterey's pastor.

Paul told Timothy, a pastor: "Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching.” (1 Timothy 4:13, ESV).

This verse has always carried great significance to me. I think it says a pastor's duty is to read, explain, and exhort from the Bible. We are to teach and preach the Old and New Testaments. We are to feed the flock of God.

Why? Because we do not live by bread alone, but by every Word which proceeds from the mouth of God. God knows we need the Word!

I also believe we live in times where the Bible is especially important. We must know the Word, for many counterfeits abound. These are exciting times, and the Spirit is moving all around us, but we need the Scripture.

Therefore, in thinking about how to deliver more Word to the believers in our care, our pastoral team feels led to launch a regular Tuesday Night Church service, starting mid-January. There, various pastors will focus on explaining Scripture throughout the year.

I will handle roughly 50-60% of the teaching slots each year. I will start in Genesis, with an aim at teaching the entire Old Testament on Tuesdays in the years to come. Other pastors will tackle other books of the Bible, and that will take up another 30% of the teachings. Finally, we will also reserve a night every few months for a specific subject we feel needs better treatment for our church in these modern times. We've called these "training forums" thus far, and have held them on other nights, but they will become part of Tuesday Night Church. Additionally, any Night Of Worship will be held on Tuesdays as well.

We realize Tuesday nights can't work for everyone. We also prefer people commit to a Life Group first, since disciples grow together. But since we feel the Word is for everyone, we will do a great job of recording the video and audio, making it available to the whole church online. This will help the whole body go through the Word together.

We hope this will provide you with strength and encouragement in the Word of God. Jesus said the Scripture testifies of Him (John 5:39). Paul said the Old Testament saints should serve as examples for us today (1 Corinthians 10:6). As the Word goes out, we pray our spiritual maturity would increase.

But we also hope Tuesday Night Church will be a place of refuge and fellowship. The restaurant will be open. Calvary Kids will be popping. And the Middle School and High School ministries will continue on. We pray our gatherings will bring life to many believers. It is good when the church is together.

We start Tuesday Night Church on January 14. At this time, our plan is to run consecutively all the way to Thanksgiving each year, taking a 6-week break through December. Our start time will be 6:15pm.

Please pray for me and the other pastors who will be sharing the Word. It is an honor, but it is also hard work. We need God's grace to run our race. See you on Tuesday nights!