Christina has not completed Nate, and Nate has not completed Christina. Yes, when we married, the two become one flesh (Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:8). But it is Christ who completes us. Our lives, as the passage reads, are “hidden with Christ in God.”
Read moreArchival Post: 6 Great Attributes Of Jesus’ High Priestly Service To You (Hebrews 7)
6 Great Attributes Of Jesus’ High Priestly Service To You (Hebrews 7)
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No one is like Jesus. I have never known anyone as impressive as him. My Savior, he is also my guide, friend, leader, counselor, teacher, financial planner, advisor, coach, helper, intercessor, and pastor. I cannot imagine how I'd get through life without him and his constant aid.
Read moreArchival Post: Faith Obeys God (Hebrews 11:17-19)
Faith Obeys God (Hebrews 11:17-19)
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We praise Abraham for his faith in God. We don't call him the father of faith for nothing. As the author to the Hebrews tried to urge his readers toward a life of faith, Abraham stood out as a perfect example.
Read moreArchival Post: The Curse - How The World Is (Genesis 3:14-19)
The Curse - How The World Is (Genesis 3:14-19)
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After Adam and Eve fall into sin, God started in on the serpent (14). He would then address the woman, and finally, the man. But in speaking to the snake, He declared, "Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life" (14).
Read moreArchival Post: The Life Of David: Loving Your Enemies (1 Samuel 24)
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It seems that, by the time of Christ, the religious leaders had taken the Old Testament command to ‘love your neighbor’ to mean one should also hate their enemy. Their teaching was, of course, a perversion of God’s word. Jesus corrected, and then addended their teaching. “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). It would have been a difficult word had he merely said, “Love your neighbor and tolerate your enemies,” but Jesus went much further. His people, with His Spirit inside them, are to love their enemies, praying for them. But why? Jesus went on, “So that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Mattew 5:45). Why would we want to love our enemies? Because in so doing we are of like nature with our Father in heaven. He is indiscriminate in his love, pouring out rain on both the just and the unjust.
Read moreArchival Post: Benefits Of Paul's Walk To Assos
Benefits Of Paul's Walk To Assos
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Leaving Troas, Paul decided to take the land route to Assos. His team would need a boat for the rest of the missions trip, but the first part of the journey was shorter by foot. He put everyone else on the boat, but he went by land. Alone, he walked. What were some of the benefits of this decision?
Read moreArchival Post: 5 Marks Of A Healthy Small Group
5 Marks Of A Healthy Small Group
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At Calvary Monterey, we say we love community. The second pillar of our mission statement is to "Nurture Believers." We’ve decided to provide this through community and training. Community is what I will focus on here. There are many ways to develop community in a church. We’ve chosen the route of small groups.
Read moreArchival Post: Weigh, Study, Arrange — And Teach!
Weigh, Study, Arrange — And Teach!
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People ask me if I get nervous before teaching the Bible. The short answer is yes, I do get nervous. Sometimes it is because I’m guest teaching in a new place. Sometimes it is because I am handling a difficult passage that day. Sometimes I have no idea why. But I do get nervous from time to time. It is a huge responsibility to explain and apply and exhort people with and from the Word of God. It is His Word, not mine, and the responsibility is awesome.
Read moreArchival Post: Perishing Without Vision? (Proverbs 29:18)
Perishing Without Vision? (Proverbs 29:18)
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This is an oft-misunderstood verse. Many have taken this proverb to mean that unless a spiritual leader, like a pastor, has a vision for where the church is going to go, then the people flail and fail. "Without a vision, the people perish."
Read moreArchival Post: Adam's Work (Genesis 2:15)
Adam's Work (Genesis 2:15)
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And Adam's work likely had a spiritual component to it. His work was a way for him to worship God. In fact, some scholars believe work would be better translated to worship and obey. Like the later priests in God's tabernacle, Adam was the man on God's ground, serving and loving His LORD.
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