Sunday Sermon: The Most Important Thing In Life -- Mark 12:28-34 (Follow #38)
Read moreGalatians 4:4-5 -- The Son Who Came to Make Sons
Today, let us consider four elements of his coming.
- When did he come?
- Where did he come from?
- How did he come?
- And why did he come?
Each of these questions is answered in our text.
Read moreFollow #37 -- Mark 12:18-27 -- Jesus Challenged About The Silliness Of The Bible
Sunday Notes — Follow #37 -- Mark 12:18-27 -- Jesus Challenged About The Silliness Of The Bible
Read moreFollow #36 -- Mark 12:13-17 -- Jesus Challenged About Government Oppression
We are in a place in Mark's gospel where the hostility towards Jesus is reaching its peak. Soon, the religious leaders will conspire with the Roman authorities to put Christ to death. But these leaders and authorities feel a need to build their case against Jesus, and in the final week before his death, that's precisely what they set out to do.
Read moreFrom Where Does Our Help Come? (Psalm 121)
This psalm is one of the Songs of Ascents. This means ancient Israel used to sing this song when going to Jerusalem to worship God three times each year. In other words, this song was sung by people on pilgrimage -- people who had committed to walking with God.
Read moreFollow #35 -- Mark 11:27-12:12 -- On Whom Should I Build My Life?
[Sermon Notes] Follow #35 -- Mark 11:27-12:12 -- On Whom Should I Build My Life?
Read moreGenesis 49-50
Hey everyone. Welcome to our through the Bible journey. And today we're in Genesis chapter 49. As we conclude our study through the book of Genesis with this teaching chapter 49 and of course, chapter 50. It's good to remember that the book of Genesis began with life. God created, God spoke life into existence, no random accident, no chance, but a definite designer and God being the first cause the one who made all that is, and the one who is uncaused, the one who is eternal and has never not been in existence.
Read moreFollow #34 -- Mark 11:12-26 -- You Are Christ's Temple
In the passage before us, Jesus cursed a fig tree and overturned tables. These are abnormal behaviors by Jesus. When we consider the fig tree, we are perplexed. Jesus did not customarily use miraculous power in destructive ways, but in ways that led to healing, feeding, deliverance, and resurrection. Jesus was about giving life.
Read moreFollow #33 -- Mark 11:1-11 -- What Kind of King Is Jesus
In our last study in Mark, we followed Jesus as he neared his death in Jerusalem at the time of the Passover feast. The disciples were afraid and amazed at Jesus' determination (Mark 10:32). As they traveled with Jesus, so did the crowds. They flocked around Jesus. And the time of Jesus' cross grew near.
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