Easter Sunday Sermon: The View From The Tomb (John 20:1-10)
Read moreThe Ministry of Christ 02—Luke 4:16-30—Mission
Sunday Sermon: The Ministry of Christ 02—Luke 4:16-30—Mission
Read moreJesus' Transfiguration Initiated an Important Conference (Mark 9:4-13)
Jesus' Transfiguration Initiated an Important Conference
(Mark 9:4-13)
This meeting on the mountaintop was an encouraging preview, but it was also an important conference. Jesus met there with Moses and Elijah. It had been centuries since both men walked the earth. Supernaturally, however, they met with Jesus on his mountain. (6 Minutes/1400 Words)
Read moreA Christmas Meditation
A Christmas Meditation
For many, Christmastime is a season to celebrate family and friendships, traditions and prosperity, kindness and generosity. But a select few refuse to let the goodness of these elements mask the true greatness of Christmas—they are not so easily satisfied. Fortunately, Christmas provides them with this opportunity. Christ has come! So we can know God! (7 Minutes/1900 Words)
Read moreJesus the Rescuer (Mark 5:1-20)
Jesus the Rescuer
(Mark 5:1-20)
A legion of demons, a herd of pigs plummeting off a cliff, and a man living in a graveyard on the outskirts of town—these are the shocking images of this episode. Word after word, sentence after sentence, and paragraph after paragraph grips the reader. This happened! (12 Minutes/3000 Words)
Read moreHis Mission: Jesus Is the Champion Who Delivers His People (Mark 1:12-13)
His Mission: Jesus Is the Champion Who Delivers His People
(Mark 1:12-13)
Mark does not include robust detail about Jesus' time of temptation in the wilderness. Matthew and Luke record three direct temptations from Satan, along with Jesus' scriptural rebuttals to each. Instead, Mark gives an overview of the events. He isn't as interested in the dialogue, but the action itself. (4 Minutes/950 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: A Plea to Prioritize People
A Plea to Prioritize People
Archival Post
We can't understand the gravity of Paul's mission. At his conversion, Jesus told him he'd be the apostle to the nations. He'd testify of Christ before kings and authorities, Gentiles and Jews. His life was to be wholly dedicated to the task of the evangelization of the world — serious stuff.
Read moreThe First Christmas
The First Christmas
As we stand on the precipice of a new year, we are bound to look back upon our current one. We might discover darkness and difficulty, pain and agony. We might also find light and joy, gladness and goodness. But, since our world labors under the pangs of the curse, travail and hurt lies in the wake of this year. (7 Minutes/1700 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: I Am Only a Youth
I Am Only a Youth
Archival Post
Jeremiah might be my favorite prophet. With endurance and steadfastness, he pushed and pulled with the nation of Israel, but also with God. His road, like all the prophets', was hard. The people would reject him, over and over again, and he had to say hard words.
Read moreArchival Post & Podcast: How To Combat Mission Fatigue
How To Combat Mission Fatigue
Archival Post & Podcast
A point comes in any church's life where atrophy sets in. The passion and joy and labor begin to dry up as people begin to grow discouraged in the mission. Soon, the fight, and what they were fighting for in the first place, is forgotten. Life -- it's busy, after all -- swallows up fruitfulness. The church becomes an afterthought. The mission is replaced with routine. (5 Minutes/1000 Words)
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