Easter Sunday Sermon: The View From The Tomb (John 20:1-10)
Read moreKnowing God 14—God's Community—Exodus 21-24
Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 14—God's Community—Exodus 21-24
Read moreKnowing God 13—God's Commands—Exodus 20
Sunday Sermon: Knowing God 13—God's Commands—Exodus 20
Read moreArchival Post: Develop A Prayer Reflex
Develop A Prayer Reflex
Archival Post
Do you ever read the news and feel like there's nothing you can do, like it's completely out of your control? Who do I call? What can I do? Who can I complain to? How can I change things?
Read moreHow To Love God's People - Part 3 (1 John 3:17-18)
How To Love God's People Part 3
(1 John 3:17-18)
Today, in part three, we will look at the last two lessons, followed by some applications of the entire passage of 1 John 3:11-18. This passage gives us practical help on how to demonstrate Christian love. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreDevelop a Prayer Reflex
Develop a Prayer Reflex
Do you ever read the news and feel like there's nothing you can do, like it's completely out of your control? Who do I call? What can I do? Who can I complain to? How can I change things? (2 Minutes/400 Words)
Read moreFaith Works for God (Hebrews 11:7)
Faith Works for God
(Hebrews 11:7)
I'd get it if Noah objected. He didn't live near a large body of water. The earth likely hadn't produced any rain by the time he came around. We'd understand if he balked at God's direction to build a massive boat in the middle of nowhere. (6 Minutes/1300 Words)
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