Sunday Sermon: Knowing God 13—God's Commands—Exodus 20
Read moreJesus' Transfiguration Offered an Encouraging Preview (Mark 9:1-3)
Jesus' Transfiguration Offered an Encouraging Preview
(Mark 9:1-3)
In response to the disciples' confession and this new teaching about his death and resurrection, Jesus took three of his men to a mountaintop. Though we don't know the exact location of this event, it seems likely to be one of Mt. Hermon's peaks, around 9,000 feet in elevation. The other gospels tell us he went there to pray, and, as was their custom, they slept while he cried out to God. (5 Minutes/1100 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: For the Dry and Weary
For the Dry and Weary
Archival Post
Have you ever felt dry and worn out by life? Has your energy and passion ever withered so much it is hard to go on? Have the waves of trials beaten repeatedly upon you? If so, you are in the company of the psalmist.
Read moreRevolution of the Heart, Part 3: Cleanness Comes From Christ’s Effort (Mark 7:18–23)
Revolution of the Heart, Part 3 Cleanness Comes From Christ’s Effort
(Mark 7:18–23)
Every nation, people group, political party, and educational system is populated by broken people. Even the best-laid plans and philosophies are tainted by the sinful hearts of humanity. This is a major difference in the Christian worldview. We know mankind is not basically good, but that evil is bound up within our hearts. But we also know there is hope. Though we cannot make ourselves clean, Jesus Christ can make us clean by his blood. (6 Minutes/1500 Words)
Read moreRevolution of the Heart, Part 2: Human Efforts for Cleanness Produce Hypocrisy (Mark 7:6–17)
Revolution of the Heart, Part 2 Human Efforts for Cleanness Produce Hypocrisy
(Mark 7:6–17)
Human efforts for cleanness produce hypocrisy. Why? Because we can't really change ourselves, because the problem is with the heart. (4 Minutes/900 Words)
Read moreUnhitched #4 — Jonah 4 — God Trains
Sunday Sermon: Unhitched #4 — Jonah 4 — God Trains
Read moreRevolution of the Heart, Part 1: Cleanness Does Not Come by Human Effort (Mark 7:1–5)
Revolution of the Heart, Part 1 Cleanness Does Not Come by Human Effort
(Mark 7:1–5)
After reading this opening paragraph, you'd be forgiven for thinking this has nothing to do with our modern time. I assure you, this passage has much to do with life today. (3 Minutes/800 Words)
Read moreWhole-Hearted Work #3—How To Do Good Work (Colossians 3:22-4:1)
Sunday Sermon: Whole-Hearted Work #3—How To Do Good Work (Colossians 3:22-4:1)
Read moreArchival Post: A Plea to Prioritize People
A Plea to Prioritize People
Archival Post
We can't understand the gravity of Paul's mission. At his conversion, Jesus told him he'd be the apostle to the nations. He'd testify of Christ before kings and authorities, Gentiles and Jews. His life was to be wholly dedicated to the task of the evangelization of the world — serious stuff.
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