Sunday Teaching: Fly 20—Gospel Investments—Galatians 6:6-10
Read moreArchival Post & Podcast: 7 Ways for a Man To Humble Himself
7 Ways for a Man To Humble Himself
Archival Post & Podcast
A proud man, Naaman had it all. As a man of war, victorious. As a servant to his king, pleasing. As to honor, held in high esteem. But this proud Syrian general was unclean with leprosy. Here are seven humbling acts for a man of God. Counterintuitive, they lead to life. Consider them like the muddy waters of the Jordan River for all Naamans today.
Read moreWhole-Hearted Work #3—How To Do Good Work (Colossians 3:22-4:1)
Sunday Sermon: Whole-Hearted Work #3—How To Do Good Work (Colossians 3:22-4:1)
Read moreJesus Famous Podcast | Nehemiah 10 - Compounding Spiritual Disciplines, Real Rest Days, & Is Money Bad?
How can I begin implementing a Sabbath routine into my life? How does my sex life inform my worship? Is money bad, neutral, or good? The Bible isn’t silent about any of these questions. Today, Pastor Nate and Pastor Riley help us answer these questions by talking about the covenant that the Israelites made to God in Nehemiah 10.
Read moreArchival Post: How I Use My Phone
How I Use My Phone
Archival Post
First, I am not a legalist. I think each believer needs to go to their Heavenly Father and ask for His wisdom in the intricate affairs of life. What follows is what I, personally, Nate Holdridge, have received from Him for my life.
Read moreA Guide for the Climb - Chapter 15 - Enter God’s Blessing Cycle (Psalm 134)
Enoch, a descendant of Adam, walked with God. According to Hebrews, his pursuit of friendship with God was an act of faith. What this ancient man had is what present-day believers need to have. (14 Minutes/3500 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Breaking Into a Fresh Season With God
Breaking Into a Fresh Season With God
Archival Post
King Asa was a good and godly king. He sought the Lord when trouble came upon the land, and he experienced firsthand the power of God in battle. After a trademark victory over the massive Ethiopian army, Asa was confronted by a prophet named Azariah. He told Asa to seek the Lord. (7 Minutes/900 Words)
Read moreHow I Use My Phone
How I Use My Phone
OK. This post might not make it very far. What I mean is, it might not be for only a handful of you. For many, what I am about to detail will seem impractical and unnecessary, unhelpful even. But, since Americans spend an average of 3-5 hours per day looking at their phones, I thought I would tell you about my relationship with mine.
Read moreArchival Post: Friends With Jesus
Friends With Jesus
Archival Post
Jesus wants to know us. Jesus wants us to know Him. This simple truth is revolutionary. (1 Minute/200 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Secret Devotion, Public Victory
Secret Devotion, Public Victory
Archival Post
King Joash knew who to go to when the situation was dire. Elisha the prophet, though on his deathbed, was his only hope. With a flair for the dramatic, Elisha told him to shoot an arrow out the eastward window. “That arrow,” Elisha told him, “is the Lord’s arrow of victory over your enemy, Syria.”
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