Last week, we saw how believers are a battlefield, with both flesh and the Spirit warring within them.
Read moreHow to Win the War Within (Galatians 5:16-18)
How to Win the War Within
Galatians 5:16-18
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How to Win the War Within
Galatians 5:16-18
Last week, we saw how believers are a battlefield, with both flesh and the Spirit warring within them.
Read moreEaster Sunday Sermon: The View From The Tomb (John 20:1-10)
Read moreJesus Replaces Chaos With Flourishing
(Mark 9:14-18)
Our episode today provides a significant contrast with the glory of the mount of transfiguration. All the gospel writers are careful to record the stories together. They wanted us to note the differences between the two scenes. (5 Minutes/1300 Words)
Read moreHow I Use My Phone
Archival Post
First, I am not a legalist. I think each believer needs to go to their Heavenly Father and ask for His wisdom in the intricate affairs of life. What follows is what I, personally, Nate Holdridge, have received from Him for my life.
Read moreMessengers Of And With Jesus -- Mark 16:15-20 -- Follow #50
Read more21 Questions To Help You Sift Through an Online Date’s Christianity
Archival Post & Podcast
I do not have snarky remarks to offer about the online dating world. Like many devices created by humans, it has both its positive and negative aspects. My goal here isn’t to validate (or invalidate) the online dating world, but to deal with the fact it’s a fact. People engage with it. Since Christians are people too, many of us engage with it as well. Because of this, I want to help believers navigate the waters of online dating.
Read moreSermon Notes: Marks Of A Christ-Follower (Mark 12:35-40 -- Follow #39)
Read moreOne Day Jesus Gained a Disciple
(Mark 10:46-52)
As Jesus and his disciples journeyed to Jerusalem, they passed through **Jericho**. He was on his way to die. A **blind beggar** named Bartimaeus sat on the roadside, collecting anything he could from the travelers. When he heard **Jesus of Nazareth** was passing by, he called out to him. (3 Minutes/800 Words)
Read more6 Thoughts On Discipleship
Archival Post
You have favorite people, I’m sure, and so do I. One of mine is Denise Buck. Together with her husband, Pastor Geoff, Denise has positively impacted my life and our church. Tirelessly, she works to build up the lives of others, but she also works hard to continually deepen her abilities, all with the goal of growing closer to God and better for others. (5 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreJoshua's Little Spoken of Preparation
Archival Post & Podcast
It is easy to think God shoves His people into the deep end without any training or preparation. He does, after all, use the weak things of the world to put to shame the mighty, the foolish to confound the wise. So we might easily imagine He just takes a brand new novice believer and chucks them into the deep waters of life and ministry opportunity. But, though God loves to take us way outside our comfort zone, He also prepares us for that moment. The disciples of Christ were prepared. The prophets were prepared. David and Moses and Noah were prepared. Privately, God builds up His people before their public work. (7 Minutes/2000 Words)
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