Sunday Sermon: Knowing God 13—God's Commands—Exodus 20
Read moreArchival Post: 7 Ways Modern Church Leadership Can Walk By Faith
7 Ways Modern Church Leadership Can Walk By Faith
Archival Post
It would have been awesome to have been part of the first church. But instead, I was born in 1978. Still, in my mind, I am part of that first church. That age still exists. I’m in it. When I read Acts and 1 Timothy and Philemon and 1 John it still applies. I feel at home. I might have to think through how it works out in my setting, but work out it does.
Read moreThe Anonymity of Pastoral Work
The Anonymity of Pastoral Work
Guest Article for
In our modern age, talk of pastoral work as anonymous work seems like a stretch. Maybe the pastor in a rural town on a dusty road is anonymous, but pastoring seems to be about as public as you can get these days. We live in a time when pastors are out front, obvious, visible. Many encourage us to leverage social media to minister to people (at best) or build a platform for ourselves (at worst). I mean, we live in the age of the celebrity pastor, so how can pastoral work ever be anonymous?
Read moreArchival Post: Marriage Principles From Non-Marriage Verses, Part 2 - The Spirit Transforms Us
Marriage Principles From Non-Marriage Verses, Part 2
The Spirit Transforms Us
Archival Post
Christina and I are not the same people we were in 2002, the year we stood before God and witnesses and declared our covenant of love for one another. As age and life has ticked by, we have both matured. In a sense, because we were relatively young when we married, we have grown up together. But our personal growth is not due entirely to the natural flow of life. No, we have both experienced spiritual transformation at the hands of Jesus Christ. He has shaped and molded us over the years.
Read more50 Healthy Church Leader Tips
50 Healthy Church Leader Tips
Guest Article for
Having grown up in a church planting pastor's home, I love pastors and church leaders and strive to help them in any way I can. I recently wrote an article for my network at called *50 Healthy Church Leader Tips*. They might not work for everyone, and I probably don't do all of them at all times, but I hope they might help you as you serve our Lord. Enjoy!
Read moreHow To Be the Church in a Secular Community (Jeremiah 29:4-9)
How To Be the Church in a Secular Community
(Jeremiah 29:4-9)
Jeremiah had an unenviable task. Called by God at a young age, he was given the assignment of a doomsday prophet to a rebellious Israel. For centuries—ever since they shifted from a theocracy to a monarchy—God's nation battled disobedience to God's law. And now, the day of reckoning would come. God needed to purge his people, beginning with a Babylonian invasion. (5 Minutes/1400 Words)
Read moreWhen Jesus Moves Slowly (Mark 5:21-43)
When Jesus Moves Slowly
(Mark 5:21-43)
We know believers are called to "put on...patience" (Colossians 3:12). We know the Bible is filled with related words -- long-suffering, endurance, steadfastness, and waiting. But this waiting with patience is not our natural disposition. This is why we need the help of the Holy Spirit. When he bears his fruit in our lives, one evidence is patience (Galatians 5:22). (12 Minutes/3000 Words)
Read moreJesus Is the Friend of Sinners, Part 3 (Mark 2:13-17) — He Calls Sinners
Jesus Is the Friend of Sinners, Part 3 He Calls Sinners
(Mark 2:13-17)
Somehow, a group of scribes of the Pharisees saw what Jesus was doing. We've already seen scribes in Mark's gospel; they were in the house when Jesus forgave the paralyzed man. This new group of scribes was of the sect of the Pharisees. But who were the Pharisees? (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreJesus Is the Friend of Sinners, Part 2 (Mark 2:13–17) — His Kingdom Is for Sinners
Jesus Is the Friend of Sinners, Part 2 His Kingdom Is for Sinners
(Mark 2:13–17)
Now, the day of salvation in your life should be a day of celebration, and that's how Levi saw things. He invited Jesus to his house and invited his friends, many tax collectors and sinners. They gathered around the table and, as was their custom, reclined as they feasted together. It was a celebration, but also a farewell party. Levi had a new life, calling, and adventure in front of him. (4 Minutes/1100 Words)
Read moreExile Grace - 1 Peter 5:10-14 - The Grace of Exile #27
Exile Grace - 1 Peter 5:10-14 - The Grace of Exile #27
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