Sunday Sermon: Knowing God 13—God's Commands—Exodus 20
Read moreWho Is This Man?—Jesus Is the Christ Who Had To Die for Us. (Mark 8:30–33)
Who Is This Man?Jesus Is the Christ Who Had To Die for Us
(Mark 8:30–33)
The whole book of Mark has built up to this moment. The first words of the book tell us Jesus is the Christ. But, as we read through Mark, we learn that no one knows. And now, finally, the disciples now. (6 Minutes/1500 Words)
Read moreCalvary Monterey Growth Nights
Calvary Monterey Growth Nights
Calvary Monterey is starting a new monthly ministry in 2022 called Growth Nights. This night will provide us a chance to dive deeper into church-wide fellowship and intentional spiritual development. For this year, our teaching times will focus on Jesus Famous Men and Jesus Famous Women. (2 Minutes/450 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Ruts to Avoid When Leading Small Group Discussions
Ruts to Avoid When Leading Small Group Discussions
Archival Post
At Calvary Monterey, we emphasize our small group ministry, believing it necessary for Christians to gather together outside of the large weekend meeting. Though Sundays are of immense importance, nothing can replace the wonderful one to another ministry that occurs when we get together in small groups.
Read moreWalk in Truth – Continue in the Spirit’s Teaching (1 John 2:26-27)
Walk in Truth – Continue in the Spirit’s Teaching
(1 John 2:26-27)
John wants us to, first, consider the season we are in. Second, he wants us to confess Jesus as the Son. Third, and finally, we learn in these verses, he wants us to continue in the Spirit's teaching. (6 Minutes/1500 Words)
Read moreWalk in Truth - Consider the Season (1 John 2:18-20)
Walk in Truth Consider the Season
(1 John 2:18-20)
I want you to think of Joseph in the section of John's writing we are entering into today. You see, when you come to Christ, there is a feeling of abundance. You are forgiven for your sin through Jesus' substitutionary death, connected to your Father in heaven, and a recipient of the Spirit. (10 Minutes/2600 Words)
Read moreAn Introduction to First John
An Introduction to First John
Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, God the Son, was born of human flesh. While He walked the earth, so did others, and when Jesus was a teenager, a boy named John (not to be confused John the Baptist) was born. Years later, he would become a disciple of Christ. Each week throughout 2021, I will share a Bible study blog post taking us through the letter of 1 John. Only five chapters long, this brief book is worthy of our consideration. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read more3 Protections For Today's Believers - Part 3 (1 John 2:18-27)
3 Protections For Today's Believers
Part 3
(1 John 2:18-27)
John wants us to, first, consider the season we are in. Second, he wants us to confess Jesus as the Son. Third, and finally, we learn in these verses, he wants us to continue in the Spirit's teaching. (6 Minutes/1500 Words)
Read moreArchival Post & Podcast: The Weapon of Prayer
The Weapon of Prayer
Archival Post & Podcast
We are filthy rich. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians church tells Christians as much. Rich in Christ. Spiritually wealthy in Him. We have already received every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. We are adopted, predestined, and chosen by God. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit. We have been reunited with Him. The work of Christ was a full work, and Christians must learn to enjoy all they’ve received in Him, to walk out the spiritual reality that is theirs in Christ. But in the walk, there is a war. In that war, we must learn to stand. The enemy wants to take us out. (8 minutes/2000 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Does My Parenting Style Emphasize Grace?
Does My Parenting Style Emphasize Grace?
Archival Post
Christians believe in God’s grace, demonstrated and accessed through the gospel. As a result, we long to communicate grace motivations rather than law motivations. We know this to be true: God has extended grace to us. (3 Minutes/600 Words)
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