Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 14—God's Community—Exodus 21-24
Read moreKnowing God 13—God's Commands—Exodus 20
Sunday Sermon: Knowing God 13—God's Commands—Exodus 20
Read moreHow God’s Love Is Perfected in You – Let Love Have Its Perfect Work in You (1 John 4:17–18)
How God’s Love Is Perfected in You – Let Love Have Its Perfect Work in You
(1 John 4:17–18)
In this section of 1 John, we are learning to let God's love have its perfect work in us (1 John 4:13-21). Last week we considered the importance of growing in an understanding of God's love (4:13-16). Today, John will explain to us how God's love is perfected in us (4:17-18). (5 Minutes/1400 Words)
Read moreUnited In The Workplace -- Workforce (Ephesians 6:5-8)
The church, for every generation, consists of all types of people. Some have been enslaved, others have been upper class. Some have been laborers, others have been thought workers. Some are from the working class, others from the "ruling" class. But for every level of humanity Christians have found themselves, none is as disadvantaged as the owned slave. (2 Minutes/400 Words)
Read moreHusbands and Wives: A Recap (Ephesians 5:32-33)
The oneness of men and women in marriage, in a mysterious way, hints at an important truth. In the same way husbands and wives become one, so also Christ and His church have become one. In the verse before us, Paul taught that Christian marriage refers to the radical union of Christ and His church. (4 Minutes/700 Words)
Read moreUnited In Marriage — Wives, Respectfully Submit (Ephesians 5: 22-24)
Now we come back to this word from Paul. Wives are to submit to their own husbands (not all men). In Christian marriage, the wife should respectfully submit to her husband. As we observed in our last post, these words present a challenge to the modern reader. (3 Minutes/700 Words)
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