Sermon Title: Psalm 11—An Immoveable Confidence
Read moreJesus Famous Podcast | Best Worship Songs Of The 00’s, Confidence In Jesus, & A Prayer For The Hurting
David ran to God when he faced the hardest situations in his life. But what was it about God’s character that compelled him to turn towards God? How did David receive peace from God? Nate and Riley talk about David’s prayer found in Psalm 3 to consider how God leads us through our fear and into confidence.
Read moreHow God’s Love Is Perfected in You – Let Love Have Its Perfect Work in You (1 John 4:17–18)
How God’s Love Is Perfected in You – Let Love Have Its Perfect Work in You
(1 John 4:17–18)
In this section of 1 John, we are learning to let God's love have its perfect work in us (1 John 4:13-21). Last week we considered the importance of growing in an understanding of God's love (4:13-16). Today, John will explain to us how God's love is perfected in us (4:17-18). (5 Minutes/1400 Words)
Read moreYou Are God's Child -- Who We Are: God's Sons and Daughters (1 John 2:28-3:1)
You Are God's Child -- Who We Are: God's Sons and Daughters
(1 John 2:28-3:1)
We were created to have dominion, God said. The idea was beautiful and simple. By His sovereign will, God created. He spoke things into existence. His Word divided water and land, the atmosphere and outer space, and the species. On the first six days of creation, God expressed His dominion and will. (8 Minutes/2000 Words)
Read morePersonal & Pastoral Updates, Prayer Requests
Personal & Pastoral Updates, Prayer Requests
I am grieved again by recent events in our nation. Institutionalized racism has again ascended into public consciousness, but it's been there all along. Much work must be done. And listening is a must. But God's people need to pray, for prayer is our great weapon. For this, I recently wrote a prayer from my heart to God. (6 Minutes/1500 Words)
Read moreFaith Is Confident in God’s Word (Hebrews 11:3)
Faith Is Confident in God’s Word
(Hebrews 11:3)
We learn right away, in this chapter, that though faith will often go above our human reasoning, it is not unreasonable. For a belief in a Creator God is logical. (3 Minutes/700 Words)
Read moreUnited For Unity #2 — United To Reality (Ephesians 1:15-23)
Teaching outline for Ephesians 1:15-23.
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