Easter Sunday Sermon: The View From The Tomb (John 20:1-10)
Read morePsalm 8—A Whole Person
Sunday Teaching: Psalm 8—A Whole Person
Read moreEve: The Right Fit (Genesis 2:18)
Eve: The Right Fit
(Genesis 2:18)
Not every human being is called to a married life. But the pattern of Adam's life is instructive for everyone who is called to marriage. He found his purpose and mission in God before God brought his spouse to him. (2 Minutes/650 Words)
Read moreYou Are God's Child -- Who We Are: God's Sons and Daughters (1 John 2:28-3:1)
You Are God's Child -- Who We Are: God's Sons and Daughters
(1 John 2:28-3:1)
We were created to have dominion, God said. The idea was beautiful and simple. By His sovereign will, God created. He spoke things into existence. His Word divided water and land, the atmosphere and outer space, and the species. On the first six days of creation, God expressed His dominion and will. (8 Minutes/2000 Words)
Read moreDust Oriented, Breath Oriented, or Both? (Genesis 2:5-7)
Dust Oriented, Breath Oriented, or Both?
(Genesis 2:5-7)
With conditions perfected, God made the first man from the **dust from the ground**. Everything had been readied, so now God fashioned humanity from the soil, the raw material of the earth. Man came from the dust of the earth. (2 Minutes/500 Words)
Read moreDay 7: What Can We Learn From The First Sabbath? (Genesis 2:1-3)
Day 7: What Can We Learn From The First Sabbath?
(Genesis 2:1-3)
Because of the finality of creation, **the seventh day** receives special treatment in this verse. It doesn't follow the order of the first six days, where God spoke something into being and assessed it, all within the evening and morning of that day. Instead, the seventh day breaks the mold and becomes the day **God rested on** and the day He **blessed** and **made holy** (2-3). (5 Minutes/1300 Words)
Read moreYour Genealogy: The Creation of Humankind (Genesis 1:26-27)
Your Genealogy: The Creation of Humankind
(Genesis 1:26-27)
One of the first things readers often fixate on is the way God said, **Let *us* make man in our image**. Who is the *us* and *our* to whom God refers? The ancient rabbis thought God was speaking to the angelic realm, a sort of heavenly court who watched His every move. (5 Minutes/1200 Words)
Read moreIn the Beginning, God (Genesis 1:1)
In the Beginning, God
(Genesis 1:1)
Like the blast of a cannon, the book begins. There is no long preamble, with no introductory comments. Instead, we are thrust into the story, and the story starts with God, which immediately throws us into the metaphysical realm. (3 Minutes/800 Words)
Read moreEaster 2020 -- Romans 8:18-25 -- Groaning For Resurrection
Easter 2020 -- Romans 8:18-25 -- Groaning For Resurrection
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