Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 14—God's Community—Exodus 21-24
Read moreBe Shaped by Jesus' Power (Mark 8:16-21)
Be Shaped by Jesus' Power
(Mark 8:16-21)
While Jesus warned the disciples about the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod, the disciples worried that they had no bread. They'd only brought one loaf with them, and they assumed Jesus was rebuking them for their oversight. I really try not to pick on the disciples, but... (3 Minutes/800 Words)
Read moreBe Shaped by Jesus' Compassion (Mark 8:1-10)
Be Shaped by Jesus' Compassion
(Mark 8:1-10)
If this episode sounds familiar, it's because Jesus has already fed a large crowd of five thousand earlier in Mark (6:30-44). And there are many similarities between this miraculous feeding and the first—a deserted setting, Jesus' compassion on the crowd, the dividing of bread and fish, and leftovers of bread. But there are also many differences between the two episodes. (5 Minutes/1300 Words)
Read moreUnhitched #3 — Jonah 3 — God Is Compassionate
Sunday Sermon: Unhitched #3 — Jonah 3 — God Is Compassionate
Read moreNehemiah's Concern (1 of 3)
God is intensely concerned with people. This should be evident by observing the natural order, things like the seasons or the finely tuned human body, but should be most evident in the cross of Christ, that “God so loved the world that He sent His only Son” (John 3:16). Nehemiah, like his God, was intensely concerned with people...
7 Minutes / 1400 Words
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