Sunday Sermon: The Ministry of Christ 03—Luke 4:31-44—Authority
Read moreBe Shaped by Jesus' Power (Mark 8:16-21)
Be Shaped by Jesus' Power
(Mark 8:16-21)
While Jesus warned the disciples about the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod, the disciples worried that they had no bread. They'd only brought one loaf with them, and they assumed Jesus was rebuking them for their oversight. I really try not to pick on the disciples, but... (3 Minutes/800 Words)
Read moreJesus Unlocks Our Senses (Mark 7:31-37)
Jesus Unlocks Our Senses
(Mark 7:31-37)
Here, Jesus goes through Sidon perhaps on a brief missions tour, before heading to the region of the Decapolis. Once there, a group of people begged Jesus to lay his hand of healing on a man who was deaf. If you are new to Jesus today, you might be wondering if this was his normal mode of healing. It wasn't. He healed in many different ways, and this healing was one of his most creative! (4 Minutes/1100 Words)
Read moreThe Struggle for Obedience, Part 4: Understand What He's Done (Mark 6:51-52)
The Struggle for Obedience, Part 4 Understand What He's Done
(Mark 6:51-52)
Here we have a summary report about Jesus' healing ministry. This report is Mark's way of giving us a sense of the general atmosphere surrounding Jesus' life at that time and telling us that Jesus did more than he could record. (3 Minutes/600 Words)
Read moreWhen Jesus Moves Slowly (Mark 5:21-43)
When Jesus Moves Slowly
(Mark 5:21-43)
We know believers are called to "put on...patience" (Colossians 3:12). We know the Bible is filled with related words -- long-suffering, endurance, steadfastness, and waiting. But this waiting with patience is not our natural disposition. This is why we need the help of the Holy Spirit. When he bears his fruit in our lives, one evidence is patience (Galatians 5:22). (12 Minutes/3000 Words)
Read moreThe Life of David: Protected by God (1 Samuel 19)
The Life of David: Protected by God
(1 Samuel 19)
Early in the public ministry of Christ, during a time when His popularity was shooting forth, He taught in a house in Capernaum. His presence had rocked that region, so the house overflowed with people. (14 Minutes/3700 Words)
Read moreFriend of Sinners, Part 3 (Mark 2:16-17)
Friend of Sinners Part 3
(Mark 2:16-17)
In part 3 of this Friend of Sinners series, we learn that somehow, some scribes of the Pharisees saw what Jesus was doing. We've already seen scribes in Mark's gospel; they were in the house when Jesus forgave the paralyzed man. This new group of scribes was of the sect of the Pharisees. But who were the Pharisees? (5 Minutes/1200 Words)
Read moreVideo Message: Jesus the Rescuer
Jesus the Rescuer
Whether it was creation’s chaos or a human’s body, Jesus exercised healing power over it all. Just by His word the storms stop and the demons rush out of a human body. We don’t call Jesus The Rescuer for nothing - It’s in His nature to save and bring peace! What is going on in your life that is uncontrollable? What is it in your heart that feels like it will never stop? Whatever it is, Jesus’ ministry of healing and power is alive and active TODAY. Bring your losses, hurts, and failures to Him right now. He wants to heal you.
Read moreArchival Post: How Collecting Stories Can Build Your Faith
How Collecting Stories Can Build Your Faith
Archival Post
As a father, a daddy, Jairus was in great distress. His twelve-year-old daughter, the joy of his life, was on her deathbed. Sickness had overwhelmed her body, and her body was losing the fight. As the synagogue's ruler, Jairus was a man of the community, and he had seen other families afflicted like this over the years, but now his own home was under siege. He was desperate. He knew not what to do. He had nothing to offer. It was then that he heard of Jesus. A healer, a prophet, was roaming the region. Galilee was abuzz over his works and words. (5 Minutes/1200 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Turn From the Hills of Delusion
Turn From the Hills of Delusion
Archival Post
Have you ever watched a child settle for a nickel when they could have had a dime? If you have, you’ve seen a little of what God sees. He looks upon the earth and, with sadness, watches men and women choose that which is lesser. He loves people, so He longs for us to choose the best. (2 Minutes/300 Words)
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