Sunday Sermon: Knowing God 13—God's Commands—Exodus 20
Read moreJesus Came with Heaven's Authority (Mark 11:27-33)
Jesus Came with Heaven's Authority
Mark 11:27-33
When Jesus and his disciples returned to Jerusalem and passed the same fig tree that Jesus had cursed the day before, Peter saw that it had withered from the roots. Shocked, he pointed it out to Jesus.
Read moreThe Ministry of Christ 03—Luke 4:31-44—Authority
Sunday Sermon: The Ministry of Christ 03—Luke 4:31-44—Authority
Read moreDealing With Chaotic Times (Mark 3:7-19)
Dealing With Chaotic Times
(Mark 3:7-19)
Many parts of this week’s passage are familiar to us. Jesus is presented as being famous far and wide. People from everywhere all come to see Jesus. We know why they are there—they want to see his miraculous power. Mark makes this clear: they came to him only after they heard all that he was doing. (12 Minute/3000 Words)
Read moreJesus Has Authority Over All Spiritual Uncleanness (Mark 1:35-45)
Jesus Has Authority Over All Spiritual Uncleanness
(Mark 1:35-45)
Mark doesn't refer often to Jesus' prayer life, but when he does Jesus is alone, and his ministry is in the balance. In the garden of Gethsemane, Mark presents Jesus praying to bolster his determination to get the kingdom through the means of his death on the cross (Mark 14:36). After feeding the 5,000, a time John tells us they wanted to take him by force and make him king, Jesus went up to the mountain to pray alone (Mark 6:45-52). (6 Minutes/1500 Words)
Read moreJesus Has Authority Over All Natural Brokenness (Mark 1:29-34)
Jesus Has Authority Over All Natural Brokenness
(Mark 1:29-34)
On the same day he taught in the synagogue and delivered the man with the unclean spirit, Jesus went to the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John. Our modern equivalent would be going out to lunch or dinner after church services. And I imagine the disciples' minds were racing as they took Jesus to the house. Did that just happen? Did you guys see what I saw? What have we gotten ourselves into? (3 Minutes/900 Words)
Read moreJesus Has Authority Over All Invisible Forces (Mark 1:21-28)
Jesus Has Authority Over All Invisible Forces
(Mark 1:21-28)
Every person has guides who help them navigate life. All of us have authoritative voices that help us decide how to live. What the disciples of Jesus would quickly begin learning is that Jesus should be our authoritative guide. (7 Minutes/1800 Words)
Read moreVideo Message: What Gives You the Right to Speak?
What Gives You the Right to Speak?
What authority have we been given? The authority to go into all the world and broadcast the gospel message. Jesus has given believers authority, not for us to brag or be prideful, but a humbling authority to share His love and Good News and to make disciples. We have authority from Him not for us to speak our opinions m, but to speak the Word of God.
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