Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 14—God's Community—Exodus 21-24
Read moreKnowing God 13—God's Commands—Exodus 20
Sunday Sermon: Knowing God 13—God's Commands—Exodus 20
Read moreExodus Christmas—John 8:34-36
Sunday Teaching: Exodus Christmas—John 8:34-36
Read moreKnowing God 11—God Prepares—Exodus 17:8-18:27
Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 11—God Prepares—Exodus 17:8-18:27
Read moreArchival Post: 7 Lessons From Philip's Adventure
7 Lessons From Philip's Adventure
Archival Post
In the midst of a powerful outworking of God’s Spirit in Samaria, Philip was told to depart and go to Gaza. What are some lessons we can glean from this movement in Acts, this portion of Philip’s life?
Read moreLeaders, Love God's People (Proverbs 27:23)
Leaders, Love God's People
(Proverbs 27:23)
In biblical times, shepherds had to scout and prepare distant lands for their sheep. During the brutal summer months, it was vital for the flock to have a safe, cool climate and a space full of vegetation. So good herdsmen would hike out to distant mountain spots, cultivate the ground, and ready the soil for further growth. (2 Minutes/500 Words)
Read moreExodus 23
As we open up our study of Exodus chapter 23, I'll remind you that we're really concluding a three-part series here on Exodus 21, 22, and 23. God is giving the people of Israel laws that would govern their civil day-to-day experiences in life.
Read more7 Lessons From Philip's Adventure (Acts 8:26)
7 Lessons From Philip's Adventure
(Acts 8:26)
In the midst of a powerful outworking of God’s Spirit in Samaria, Philip was told to depart and go to Gaza. He was one of the first deacons, a spiritual man responsible for material things in the church, but by the time we see him here, he has become a preacher of the gospel. Persecution had struck the church in Jerusalem. People fled, so did Philip, and he went down to Samaria. (9 Minutes/1200 Words)
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