Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 11—God Prepares—Exodus 17:8-18:27
Read moreThe Immediate Results of the Fall (Genesis 3:7-13)
The Immediate Results of the Fall
(Genesis 3:7-13)
Immediately after eating the forbidden fruit, man and woman were given the independence they craved. It wasn't as good as they thought. The eyes of both were opened, and they realized they were naked. Their immediate response was to cover themselves, so **they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths. Innocence was gone. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreJesus Is the King of the Kingdom (Mark 1:14-15)
Jesus Is the King of the Kingdom
(Mark 1:14-15)
With the beginning of Jesus' preaching ministry, we have a conclusion, of sorts, to Mark's introduction. He had said, "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God". And now that he's covered Jesus' forerunner, baptism, and temptation, all he has left is the summary statement of Jesus' preaching ministry. It was simple: The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel. (4 Minutes/900 Words)
Read moreGod-Hearted #10 — 1 Samuel 24 — Love Your Enemies
Theme: David was a son of his Father in heaven, a God-Hearted man, so he loved his enemy like God does. Let learn from and imitate this man.
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