Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 11—God Prepares—Exodus 17:8-18:27
Read moreThe Man of War: Exodus 15:1-3
The Man of War
Exodus 12:1-3
When Christ called the church of Ephesus back to its first love, he called all of us back to ours (Revelation 2:4-5). Years of church services and small groups, decades of ministry and study, if we aren’t careful, have the potential of developing into apathy.
Read more(un)Reasonable Trust #4 — Habakkuk 3:17-19 — Trust
Sunday Sermon: (un)Reasonable Trust #4 — Habakkuk 3:17-19 — Trust
Read moreThe Curse - How the World Is (Genesis 3:14-19)
The Curse -
How the World Is
(Genesis 3:14-19)
After Adam and Eve fall into sin, God started in on the serpent. He would then address the woman, and finally, the man. (8 Minutes/2000 Words)
Read moreThe Man of War (Exodus 12:1-3)
The Man of War
(Exodus 12:1-3)
Israel, with broken backs and dispirited souls, cried out to the God of their fathers. Egyptian whips slashed their bodies, and slavery's demands induced prayer. "God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We are yours. Where are you?" And God heard their cry and saw their misery. He was ready to move. (4 Minutes/950 Words)
Read moreA Guide For The Climb - Chapter 14 - War for Unity (Psalm 133)
“The Bible has the answers,” they say. Knowing how messed up life and the world and relationships can be, you decide to read it. Perhaps, you think, you will find out what family and relationships and love are supposed to look like. (13 Minutes/3500 Words)
Read moreBook Excerpt: Christ Unites
Paul tells us who this war is with: Satan, rulers, authorities, cosmic powers, and spiritual forces of evil. Paul takes no time defending the reality of these forces. To him, their presence is undeniable. (3 Minutes/700 Words)
Read moreA Plea: In the War, Abstain (1 Peter 2:11)
A Plea: In the War, Abstain
(1 Peter 2:11)
Bullets fly. Missiles launch. Strategies develop. Soldiers deploy. All this, because war is on. Blood, death, and danger. An enemy assaults. Subjection is the goal. This is the image Peter uses to describe the passions of the flesh. (2 Minutes/450 Words)
Read moreTake Up Your War-Clothes (Ephesians 6:13-17)
To win the spiritual war, we must put on Christ's war-clothes. Paul lists six pieces of the spiritual armor. Paul was, remember, imprisoned as he wrote. He had seen Romans soldiers and their armor up close. The Spirit showed him a parallel, for God has given spiritual armor to his people. This list is life, for with these elements we can stand against the attacks of the enemy. (10 Minutes/1800 Words)
Read moreTake Up a Wartime Mentality (Ephesians 6:10-12)
When one sits down to read the Bible, they will often begin in Genesis. There, the story unfolds with the beauty and extravagance of God’s creation. He speaks light into being. He commands the separation of the waters. Dry land and vegetation appear. Lights appear in the heavens. Animals are formed in the sea and sky and earth. (6 Minutes/1100 Words)
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