Sunday Sermon: Maturity Profiled 11—The Mature are Patient in a Hard World—James 5:7-12
Read more(un)Reasonable Trust #4 — Habakkuk 3:17-19 — Trust
Sunday Sermon: (un)Reasonable Trust #4 — Habakkuk 3:17-19 — Trust
Read moreJesus Christ: The Ultimate Man - Part 2
Jesus Christ:
The Ultimate Man
Part 2: Prophet Jesus
This is not the title I normally use of Jesus. Perhaps I've developed an allergy to the title after hearing many say, "Jesus was a good teacher, a prophet, but not God." I reject that. He is God who became flesh to dwell among us (John 1:14). Still, he is the greatest prophet who ever walked the earth. (6 Minutes/1400 Words)
Read moreArchival Post & Podcast: Stop Turning to Miserable Comforters
Stop Turning to Miserable Comforters
Archival Post
Job, in the midst of a massive trial, had three friends who attempted to confront him with "their truth," which were all lies, and Job knew it. Though his perspective was not quite yet God's, he recognized a void of wisdom when he saw one. His three friends had not yet tapped into real truth. They had come, perhaps to comfort and console, but had done no such thing. (3 Minutes/600 Words)
Read moreWhen You Feel Worn Down, He is Faithful (Job 14:18-19)
When You Feel Worn Down, He Is Faithful
(Job 14:18-19)
Job's hope was at its low ebb. Through his trials, in his despair, every expectation of good was displaced. He felt like a mountain crumbling away. Or like a stone pummeled by the waters until it became nothing. Hope eroded, worn down. Desperation filled his heart. (2 Minutes/500 Words)
Read moreArchival Post and Podcast: God Loved Job's Reverence
God Loved Job's Reverence
Archival Post and Podcast
Job, the sufferer. Christians shudder when they pick up his tale. A man at ease, and then the ease evaporated. Pain and misery flooded in. A human tested. (2 Minutes/400 Words)
Read moreA Guide For The Climb -- Chapter 4 -- Develop A New Eye (Psalm 123)
Our pilgrim has come far on his journey. In his first few songs, he consecrated himself for the climb to Jerusalem. He also realized God would help him on the path, and he celebrated the gathering together of God's people. But his journey, like ours, is about interaction with God, not only in the sublime and spiritual, but in the daily and earthy stuff of life. (15 Minutes, 3800 Words)
Read moreStop Turning to Miserable Comforters (Job 16:2)
Stop Turning to Miserable Comforters
(Job 16:2)
Job, in the midst of a massive trial, had three friends who attempted to confront him with "their truth," which were all lies, and Job knew it. Though his perspective was not quite yet God's, he recognized a void of wisdom when he saw one. His three friends had not yet tapped into real truth. They had come, perhaps to comfort and console, but had done no such thing. (3 Minutes/600 Words)
Read moreGod Loved Job's Reverence (Job 1:8)
God Loved Job's Reverence
(Job 1:8)
Job, the sufferer. Christians shudder when they pick up his tale. A man at ease, and then the ease evaporated. Pain and misery flooded in. A human tested. (3 Minutes/400 Words)
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