Palm Sunday Sermon: Mark 11:1-26—God Renews His People By Coming For Us
Read moreArchival Post: The Importance of Waiting for Fruitfulness
The Importance of Waiting for Fruitfulness
Archival Post
"He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." (Psalm 1:3). This verse describes the man who delights in the law of the LORD, meditating on Scripture day and night. He is not sucked into the course of this world, but instead lives a life filled with the things of God. He delights in the word of God and makes it his continual feast. (2 Minutes/500 Words)
Read moreArchival Post and Podcast: God Loved Job's Reverence
God Loved Job's Reverence
Archival Post and Podcast
Job, the sufferer. Christians shudder when they pick up his tale. A man at ease, and then the ease evaporated. Pain and misery flooded in. A human tested. (2 Minutes/400 Words)
Read moreA Guide for the Climb – Chapter 8 – Embrace God’s Vision for Work and Home (Psalm 127)
In moving through these songs of ascents, one can imagine the pilgrim. He has sung various songs, traveled along the path, and has approached Jerusalem. He is starting now to think about going home again. He might be thinking, "This is wonderful. I am hearing the Bible. I am singing to God. We are offering sacrifices to our Lord. I am in prayer to Him. I feel close to God right now." (18 Minutes/4500 Words)
Read more5 Ways Jesus’ Work Allows Us Freedom Before God (Hebrews 9.1–14)
5 Ways Jesus’ Work Allows Us Freedom Before God
(Hebrews 9.1–14)
Zachary was terrified. He knew the Day was fast approaching, and he didn't feel ready for it, not in the slightest. Once each year, he had to go in. He knew it was a privilege, but he was scared. As the months ticked by, Zachary could feel the tension in his shoulders. So many in Israel would have coveted his role, but he knew they'd be a bucket of nerves if in his shoes. (13 Minutes/3300 Words)
Read moreThe Importance of Waiting for Fruitfulness (Psalm 1:3)
The Importance of Waiting for Fruitfulness
(Psalm 1:3)
"He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." (Psalm 1:3) This verse describes the man who delights in the law of the LORD, meditating on Scripture day and night. He is not sucked into the course of this world, but instead lives a life filled with the things of God. He delights in the word of God and makes it his continual feast. (2 Minutes/550 Words)
Read moreGod Loved Job's Reverence (Job 1:8)
God Loved Job's Reverence
(Job 1:8)
Job, the sufferer. Christians shudder when they pick up his tale. A man at ease, and then the ease evaporated. Pain and misery flooded in. A human tested. (3 Minutes/400 Words)
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