Today, we finish looking at Paul’s illustration using the story of Sarah and Hagar, which he used to show the struggle between law and grace for the Galatians. Let’s look at two more applications from this Old Testament story.
Read moreArchival Post: The Call of Abraham
The passage tells us the Lord spoke to Abram. We aren't told how God spoke to Abram, nor does it tell us why God chose to call this man. I think it is unwise, though, to use this passage as an example of divine election for salvation. Abram received this call of God, not for eternal salvation, but to be a blessing to the nations.
Read moreWhen Work Goes Sideways (Genesis 11:4)
Before sin entered the world, before the fall, work was a way mankind glorified God. God created us to work, and the garden needed cultivating. And now, under the curse brought on by sin, we are still called to a life of work. (1 Minute/300 Words)
Read moreThe Call of Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3)
The passage tells us the Lord spoke to Abram. We aren't told how God spoke to Abram, nor does it tell us why God chose to call this man. I think it is unwise, though, to use this passage as an example of divine election for salvation. Abram received this call of God, not for eternal salvation, but to be a blessing to the nations. (5 Minutes/1200 Words)
Read moreA Guide for the Climb – Chapter 8 – Embrace God’s Vision for Work and Home (Psalm 127)
In moving through these songs of ascents, one can imagine the pilgrim. He has sung various songs, traveled along the path, and has approached Jerusalem. He is starting now to think about going home again. He might be thinking, "This is wonderful. I am hearing the Bible. I am singing to God. We are offering sacrifices to our Lord. I am in prayer to Him. I feel close to God right now." (18 Minutes/4500 Words)
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