The passage tells us the Lord spoke to Abram. We aren't told how God spoke to Abram, nor does it tell us why God chose to call this man. I think it is unwise, though, to use this passage as an example of divine election for salvation. Abram received this call of God, not for eternal salvation, but to be a blessing to the nations.
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Now, turning to Leviticus chapter 18, we turn to a chapter of Scripture, again for the people of Israel, where we have laws restricting sexual activity, laws restricting sexual activity. I should remind you here at this point in Leviticus that a proper interpretation of the Old Testament law is that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament law.
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The passage tells us the Lord spoke to Abram. We aren't told how God spoke to Abram, nor does it tell us why God chose to call this man. I think it is unwise, though, to use this passage as an example of divine election for salvation. Abram received this call of God, not for eternal salvation, but to be a blessing to the nations. (5 Minutes/1200 Words)
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Imagine paying an exorbitant price for something precious. Once you became the owner you’d protect that possession. You would preserve it for its intended use. God paid an outrageous price for you, the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son. He has redeemed us, bought us. From this position of great cost and love He reveals His will for our lives: sanctification. (9 Minutes / 1,800 Words)
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Paul has just instructed his readers to imitate the love of God as demonstrated in the sacrificial cross of Christ (Ephesians 5:1-2). Our love is to be one which lays aside the self and lives for the betterment of others. It might seem odd, then, to hear Paul immediately move into an exhortation to flee sexual immorality, sexual impurity, and sexual covetousness. How is this an imitation of the love of God? (800 Words / 4 Minutes)
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