Every person on earth is shaped in some way by his or her father. While a male will contribute to a pregnancy, a father contributes to a legacy. Like the church, family is an entity created and designed by God, and fathers play a huge role in the development and leadership of the individual family. (20 Minutes/5000 Words)
Read moreJesus Has Authority Over All Natural Brokenness (Mark 1:29-34)
Jesus Has Authority Over All Natural Brokenness
(Mark 1:29-34)
On the same day he taught in the synagogue and delivered the man with the unclean spirit, Jesus went to the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John. Our modern equivalent would be going out to lunch or dinner after church services. And I imagine the disciples' minds were racing as they took Jesus to the house. Did that just happen? Did you guys see what I saw? What have we gotten ourselves into? (3 Minutes/900 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: How Hezekiah Handled Stressful News
How Hezekiah Handled Stressful News
Archival Post
Have you ever been presented with a report or news which floored you? Has an impossible situation ever been thrown in your lap? Have you ever been given news, a bill, a task, a responsibility, that you could never in a million years handle? If you have, you are in Hezekiah's company. (5 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreA Guide for the Climb – Chapter 8 – Embrace God’s Vision for Work and Home (Psalm 127)
In moving through these songs of ascents, one can imagine the pilgrim. He has sung various songs, traveled along the path, and has approached Jerusalem. He is starting now to think about going home again. He might be thinking, "This is wonderful. I am hearing the Bible. I am singing to God. We are offering sacrifices to our Lord. I am in prayer to Him. I feel close to God right now." (18 Minutes/4500 Words)
Read moreHow Hezekiah Handled Stressful News (Isaiah 37:14-15)
How Hezekiah Handled Stressful News
(Isaiah 37:14-15)
Have you ever been presented with a report or news which floored you? Has an impossible situation ever been thrown in your lap? Have you ever been given news, a bill, a task, a responsibility, that you could never in a million years handle? If you have, you are in Hezekiah's company. (5 Minutes/1000 Words)
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