Sunday Sermon: Fly 11—God As Father—Galatians 4:1-7
Read moreHow To Become Wise (Proverbs 10:1)
How To Become Wise
(Proverbs 10:1)
This little proverb has much to say about how to be wise. First, it suggests that wise people know that they have much to learn. A child lacking all the experience and perspective of their parents, who turns to their parents for guidance, knows they need to learn. (3 Minutes/700 Words)
Read more4 Strategies To Help You Parent Adult Children
4 Strategies To Help You Parent Adult Children
Christina and I are in a season of preparation, readying ourselves for the inevitable departure into adulthood of all our daughters. With our first recently off to college, we have begun more intentionally seeking wisdom from others on how to parent adult children. (4 Minutes/1100 Words)
Read moreRevolution of the Heart, Part 2: Human Efforts for Cleanness Produce Hypocrisy (Mark 7:6–17)
Revolution of the Heart, Part 2 Human Efforts for Cleanness Produce Hypocrisy
(Mark 7:6–17)
Human efforts for cleanness produce hypocrisy. Why? Because we can't really change ourselves, because the problem is with the heart. (4 Minutes/900 Words)
Read moreGod's Diet (Leviticus 11:1-2)
God's Diet
(Leviticus 11:1-2)
Good parents realize their kids don't yet have the maturity required to make healthy nutritional choices. As the adult in the room, they give proper guidance and boundaries until the child becomes able to adopt them as his own. Our Father in heaven knows what we should consume. (2 Minutes/300 Words)
Read moreJesus Famous Men Serve Their Homes for Christ
Every person on earth is shaped in some way by his or her father. While a male will contribute to a pregnancy, a father contributes to a legacy. Like the church, family is an entity created and designed by God, and fathers play a huge role in the development and leadership of the individual family. (20 Minutes/5000 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: The Kingdom Is Received With Childlike Faith
The Kingdom Is Received With Childlike Faith
Archival Post
Jesus wasn't saying that you will get the kingdom if you are sweet enough, joyful enough, or innocent enough. He wasn't preaching works-based righteousness in any way. Instead, Jesus was making a comparison. Some people receive the kingdom. They receive it because they receive things like children receive things. The keyword is "receive." How do children receive things?
Read moreWhat Assurance Produces - A Fitting Conclusion (1 John 5:21)
What Assurance Produces - A Fitting Conclusion
(1 John 5:21)
John has warned throughout his whole letter of the danger of following the spirit of the antichrist. He's told us Jesus is God the Son who came in the flesh, died in the flesh, and rose in the flesh. He is the true God and shows us the way to the true God. (2 Minutes/400 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Your Teenager Can Help You Destroy Hypocrisy
Your Teenager Can Help You Destroy Hypocrisy
Archival Post
When a child grows into adolescence, they begin seeing their parents in a new light. During their younger years, mom or dad was right and true, a source of illumination in a dark world. But, as the teenage years kick in, children begin to discover the world on their own.
Read moreOutworkings and Witnesses of the Gospel’s Truthfulness – Three Outworkings (1 John 5:1–5)
Outworkings and Witnesses of the Gospel’s Truthfulness – Three Outworkings
(1 John 5:1–5)
John knew the truthfulness of the gospel message and watched Jesus' life, and heard His teaching. He witnessed Jesus' death and resurrection and had seen the gospel flood the world after Jesus' ascension. And, over time, John had discovered what the gospel does inside a believer. He knew the gospel message is true, but had also come to discover some of its outworkings. (9 Minutes/2400 Words)
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