Sunday Sermon: The Gospel According To Abraham—Galatians 3:6-9
Read moreOutworkings and Witnesses of the Gospel’s Truthfulness – Three Outworkings (1 John 5:1–5)
Outworkings and Witnesses of the Gospel’s Truthfulness – Three Outworkings
(1 John 5:1–5)
John knew the truthfulness of the gospel message and watched Jesus' life, and heard His teaching. He witnessed Jesus' death and resurrection and had seen the gospel flood the world after Jesus' ascension. And, over time, John had discovered what the gospel does inside a believer. He knew the gospel message is true, but had also come to discover some of its outworkings. (9 Minutes/2400 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: The Lie of Pleasure
The Lie of Pleasure
Archival Post
God is the only being worthy of worship. In fact, it is only right for God to seek glory for Himself. It is wrong for humanity to seek glory, but it is only right for God to receive it. You could say it is the love of God for humanity that would seek glory from man. But why is this? (3 Minutes / 600 Words)
Read moreThe True Tale of a Thoroughly Contented Man (Philippians 4:10-13)
The True Tale of a Thoroughly Contented Man
(Philippians 4:10-13)
Paul was thankful for the Philippian church. Their faith was real; it had resounded throughout their region. They loved Jesus, and their lives reflected His holiness. They were genuinely progressing in their sanctification and partnering with Paul on the mission of God. (12 Minutes/3000 Words)
Read moreA Guide for the Climb -- Chapter 1 -- Prerequisites to Your Decision (Psalm 120)
The temple pulsated with life during Israel's feasts. When the people ascended to God’s holy house, the electricity was tangible. Worshippers left the quiet of their towns and villages to come together with all the ferocity they could muster. They were a people devoted to God. (20 Minutes/4000 Words)
Read moreThe Lie Of Pleasure, Ecclesiastes 2:1
God is the only being worthy of worship. In fact, it is only right for God to seek glory for Himself. It is wrong for humanity to seek glory, but it is only right for God to receive it. You could say it is the love of God for humanity that would seek glory from man. But why is this?
3 Minutes / 600 Words
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