John knew the truthfulness of the gospel message and watched Jesus' life, and heard His teaching. He witnessed Jesus' death and resurrection and had seen the gospel flood the world after Jesus' ascension. And, over time, John had discovered what the gospel does inside a believer. He knew the gospel message is true, but had also come to discover some of its outworkings. (9 Minutes/2400 Words)
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John has shown us what worldliness looks like. These three temptations have had their way with us for humanity's entire existence. Perhaps you thought of this in looking at all three over the past few weeks. (3 Minutes/800 Words)
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So far we have studied the **desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes**. Lastly, John mentions **the pride of life.** Other translations call this *the pride of one's lifestyle* (HCSB), *the boastful pride of life* (NASB), or *pride in our achievements and possessions* (NLT). (5 Minutes/1200 Words)
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Remember your castle. You want Jesus seated firmly on its throne. But the devil tries to appeal to your sinful desires with the world system he controls. He hopes you'll surrender to one of his tactics. And, though he carries out these tactics in billions of ways, he only has three temptations he uses over and over again. (3 Minutes/800 Words)
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Sin and Satan wills to use our mortal bodies' passions as a way to take the throne. We must not allow it to occur. Even though, as we saw last week, we are forgiven by the Father, in a longstanding relationship with the Son, and victorious by the Spirit, there is still a challenger to the throne of our hearts. (6 Minutes/1600 Words)
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Perhaps, when thinking of that old life of spiritual deadness, believers might remember themselves as brimming with originality. But it would be wrong to think this way, for our past life was not a self-willed one. Instead, Paul shows us we were all followers. Again, Christ has made a way of escape, and believers have experienced that rescue. We are no longer spiritually dead, and we are no longer hopeless followers. But what had we followed?
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Companies have mission statements. In Romans 12:1, Paul lists a Christian’s mission statement: my body for God’s glory. In this teaching I look at this goal, with these follow up questions...
- What motivates us to establish this as our mission statement?
- What is the obstacle to this mission?
- Is there any help to overcome this obstacle?
- What is the result if we succeed in this mission statement?
Inside this post:
- Recap of Teaching
- Video
- Audio
- 1,500 Word Teaching Outline
- Podcast link
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