Sunday Teaching: Exodus Christmas—John 8:34-36
Read moreKnowing God 02: People Who Experience God's Exodus (Exodus 2:11-3:12)
Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 02-—People Who Experience God's Exodus (Exodus 2:11-3:12)
Read moreA Decision-Making Mindset (1 Corinthians 16:5-7)
A Decision-Making Mindset
(1 Corinthians 16:5-7)
I have never been great at decision-making. At least, I have never felt great at it. Looking back on the last couple of decades of my sojourn, I can see a track record of critical choices that yielded good fruit. So I do not mean I constantly make bad decisions. I do make them (the bad ones), but what I mean here is that I am one of those people who struggle and deliberate and vacillate while making decisions, and, because of all this, I feel I have never been great at decision-making. (3 Minutes/900 Words)
Read moreLove the Father - What Are the World's Tactics? Part 3 (1 John 2:16)
Love the Father - What Are the World's Tactics?
Part 3 (1 John 2:16)
So far we have studied the **desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes**. Lastly, John mentions **the pride of life.** Other translations call this *the pride of one's lifestyle* (HCSB), *the boastful pride of life* (NASB), or *pride in our achievements and possessions* (NLT). (5 Minutes/1200 Words)
Read moreChildlike People Have the Kingdom (Mark 10:15)
Childlike People Have the Kingdom
(Mark 10:15)
"...For to such (people like children) belongs the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14b). What does this mean? To answer this question, we must recall how the disciples felt about Jesus, the kingdom, and these children. They had stood outside the house, policing who went in to see Jesus. They knew Jesus was the King of a kingdom, but they didn't yet understand the nature of that kingdom. (4 Minutes/800 Words)
Read moreFollow #30 -- Mark 10:13-16 -- Kingdom Kids
Sunday Outline: Follow #30 -- Mark 10:13-16 -- Kingdom Kids
Read moreA Guide for the Climb - Chapter 12 - Obtain a Calm and Quiet Soul (Psalm 131)
I had an experience recently that illustrates the truth of our next song. As a runner, I sometimes enjoy heading to a local school to run their track. There, I must decide which lane to run in. The unwritten rule is that the slower runners take the outside “walking” lanes, while the faster runners run on the inside lanes. On this particular day, I chose lane three. I figured I was in the faster half, but the slowest of that group. (12 Minutes/3000 Words)
Read moreThe Humble Do Victory Well (Numbers 31:54)
The Humble Do Victory Well
(Numbers 31:54)
The people of Israel had won a battle over the Midianites, people who were ripe for God's judgment. After their victory, Moses told the people exactly what to do with the spoils. (1 Minute/300 Words)
Read moreA Guide for the Climb – Chapter 9 – Wonder at God (Psalm 128)
Would you like to experience God's everywhere-blessing upon your life? Would you like to have His blessing within your soul and on your relationships? Would you like to see Him bless others through you, your city, and your church? Would you like to see future generations impacted through God's work in your life today? (13 Minutes/3200 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Great Leaders Have Good Friends
Great Leaders Have Good Friends
Archival Post
“ I am happy to share this archival post as a reflection on a topic that has been important to me.
I hope you will enjoy either revisiting this topic with a new awareness or reading it for the first time with fresh eyes.”
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