Sunday Sermon: Fly 08—Gospel Blessing—Galatians 3:10-14
Read moreLeviticus 26-27
We now enter our final study of the Book of Leviticus with chapter 26 and chapter 27.
Read moreExodus 35-37
Chapter 35, and all the way to the end of the book in Chapter 40, is fairly repetitive in that the exact descriptions that God gave to Moses of the tabernacle on the mountain are now said by Moses, exactly as he received them, to the people so that they might get busy about the mission of building this tabernacle. But the repetition need not scare us as believers today. The repetition is helpful because it helps us understand that we must heed the word of God precisely, not loosely, but we must precisely heed the word of God.
Read moreExodus 23
As we open up our study of Exodus chapter 23, I'll remind you that we're really concluding a three-part series here on Exodus 21, 22, and 23. God is giving the people of Israel laws that would govern their civil day-to-day experiences in life.
Read moreMerry Christmas (Break)!
Merry Christmas (Break)!
Hey everyone! I hope you have a Merry Christmas. I love this season. Thinking on Christ's coming into the darkness of humanity to save us always brings me joy. (1 Minute/150 Words)
Read moreA Guide For The Climb - Chapter 14 - War for Unity (Psalm 133)
“The Bible has the answers,” they say. Knowing how messed up life and the world and relationships can be, you decide to read it. Perhaps, you think, you will find out what family and relationships and love are supposed to look like. (13 Minutes/3500 Words)
Read moreVideo Message: How to Win Over Your Kids?
How to Win Over Your Kids?
When your child calls you out for the hypocrisy in your life rather than defend yourself see it as a gift and grace from God.
Read moreArchival Post: Count Your Blessings. Count Your People.
Count Your Blessings. Count Your People.
Archival Post
Arduous in every way, Ezra’s journey was about to commence. Pain, heartache, and difficulty awaited every traveler he'd recruited. Hundreds of miles and millions of enemies lay between them and Jerusalem. The journey would be treacherous, but the work of God must go on. (3 Minutes/500 Words)
Read moreWalk With a Limp (Genesis 32:31)
Walk With a Limp
(Genesis 32:31)
My old Christian rap tape rings in my mind: *I walked with a limp and carried a brew. You know why? Cause that was cool.* Well, I don't know about that. But Jacob was a man who ended up walking with a limp. For most of his life, he connived and schemed to get his way. He manipulated the people around him to obtain his heart's desires. (2 Minutes/500 Words)
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