Hezekiah was an excellent king of Judah. A descendant of David, he bore similar traits to his ancestor in that he worshipped God and delighted in God's law. At one point, Hezekiah became sick. Isaiah the prophet was summoned, and he told Hezekiah his time to die had come. Hezekiah pleaded with God but also pleaded with Isaiah to plead with God. Isaiah returned with the glad announcement that Hezekiah would live. For another fifteen years, Hezekiah sat on the throne.
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Here, we find two of Jesus' disciples responding to Jesus' announcement about his death. Their response is dense and out of touch. Looking back, James and John would agree. (6 Minutes/1500 Words)
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When your child calls you out for the hypocrisy in your life rather than defend yourself see it as a gift and grace from God.
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Having pastored a church without small groups, and now having pastored a church where always at least half of the congregation is in a small group, I can tell you the latter is preferable. People need to know each other. People need to interact with healthy Christians. People need community. (7 Minutes/1800 Words)
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Though I don't know your particular situation, I will attempt to give a robust answer with many applicational thoughts. You might struggle in your reading of the Word because of theological misperceptions, an inability to concentrate, or because your workday starts at 4 a.m. For each situation, a different line of advice would follow. Because of this, I will try to cover as many contingencies as my feeble brain will allow. (7 Minutes/1800 Words)
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Though I don't know your particular situation, I will attempt to give a robust answer with many applicational thoughts. You might struggle in your reading of the Word because of theological misperceptions, an inability to concentrate, or because your workday starts at 4 a.m. For each situation, a different line of advice would follow. Because of this, I will try to cover as many contingencies as my feeble brain will allow. (7 Minutes/1800 Words)
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Hezekiah was an excellent king of Judah. A descendant of David, he bore similar traits to his ancestor in that he worshipped God and delighted in God's law. At one point, Hezekiah became sick. Isaiah the prophet was summoned, and he told Hezekiah his time to die had come. Hezekiah pleaded with God but also pleaded with Isaiah to plead with God. Isaiah returned with the glad announcement that Hezekiah would live. For another fifteen years, Hezekiah sat on the throne. (5 Minutes/1000 Words)
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Paul had a vision of the church as a body. Individual members, marriages, and households comprised this living, breathing organism. He envisioned and exalted and enthroned Christ as the head of that organism, that body, that church. He saw Jesus as the authoritative head of the church, but also as the mind and heart of the church. (5 Minutes/1000 Words)
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