Sunday Teaching: Unhitched #2 — Jonah 2 — God Extends Grace
Read moreThe Test of a True Believer -- The Results (1 John 2:9-11)
The Test of a True Believer -- The Results
(1 John 2:9-11)
Here, we have the final claim of this section. This man says he is in the light, where God is, but hates his brother (in Christ). The reality, John says, is that he is still in darkness. (5 Minutes/1400 Words)
Read moreGod's Light Produces Real Help for Everyone (1 John 1:10-2:2)
God's Light Produces Real Help for Everyone
(1 John 1:10-2:2)
Now, by this point, the claims of those who departed from the church are starting to sound very similar. (6 Minutes/1400 Words)
Read moreGod's Light Produces Fellowship and Sanctification (1 John 1:6-7)
God's Light Produces Fellowship and Sanctification
(1 John 1:6-7)
The first thing John tells us God's light produces is fellowship with one another and personal growth, or sanctification, within. But before detailing this, John records the first claim of the deceivers. (5 Minutes/1300 Words)
Read moreExodus: 10-11
Welcome to our Tuesday Night Through the Bible Series. Right now, we're in the book of Exodus and will look at chapters 10 and 11 in this session. As we begin in Exodus 10, we are dropping into the tail end of the plague series that God brought upon Pharaoh and Egypt, and we will be looking at the eighth and ninth plagues.
Read moreMerry Christmas (Break)!
Merry Christmas (Break)!
Hey everyone! I hope you have a Merry Christmas. I love this season. Thinking on Christ's coming into the darkness of humanity to save us always brings me joy. (1 Minute/150 Words)
Read moreGod Is Light, Part 2 (1 John 1:5-22)
God Is Light
Part 2
(1 John 1:5-22)
The first thing John tells us God's light produces is fellowship with one another and personal growth, or sanctification, within. But before detailing this, John records the first claim of the deceivers. (8 Minutes/1800 Words)
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