Sunday Sermon-—Knowing God 04: God's Son (Exodus 4:18-5:23)
Read moreKnowing God #3: Never An Ornamental Extra (Exodus 3:13-4:17)
Sunday Sermon-—Knowing God:Never An Ornamental Extra (Exodus 3:13-4:17)
Read moreArchival Post: Faith Accesses Victory From God
Faith Accesses Victory From God
Archival Post
We are a people in need of God's victory, his help in life. And believers have this great advantage. We are on team Jesus. Not because we're awesome, but because we realized we're the opposite, and accepted Jesus' blood to make us whole before God. Now he offers his aid by his Spirit for life today, life in the trenches.
Read moreExodus: 10-11
Welcome to our Tuesday Night Through the Bible Series. Right now, we're in the book of Exodus and will look at chapters 10 and 11 in this session. As we begin in Exodus 10, we are dropping into the tail end of the plague series that God brought upon Pharaoh and Egypt, and we will be looking at the eighth and ninth plagues.
Read moreExodus 5-6
Hey, church. Thanks for joining me in a reading and study of the Book of Exodus. We've been on a little winter Christmas break. Thank you for that time, but with the New Year having begun, it's time now to jump back into our Tuesday night study and to jump back into the Book of Exodus.
Read moreExodus 4
In our last study in the Book of Exodus, we saw God begin the process of calling Moses to be the figurehead who would be the deliverer, the prophet, the instrument that God would use to deliver the people of Israel from their slavery in Egypt. They of course had grown in Egypt over a number of years, over 400 years and had gone there originally as a small family with favor from pharaoh because of Joseph and the good success and ministry that he had executed as the right-hand man of pharaoh, but Exodus tells us that a day came when a pharaoh arose who did not know Joseph.
Read moreFaith Accesses Victory From God (Hebrews 11:29–31)
Faith Accesses Victory From God
(Hebrews 11:29–31)
Pat Benatar sang, "love is a battlefield." OK. But I think life is a battlefield. The pressures, the attacks, the deadlines, the struggles: they feel like war. Bullets flying, missiles whirring, and I think I might become a casualty of life. (7/1700 Words)
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