Sunday Teaching: Maturity Profiled 05—Interlude: Faith Produces Maturity—James 2:14-26
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Faith Accesses Victory From God
Archival Post
We are a people in need of God's victory, his help in life. And believers have this great advantage. We are on team Jesus. Not because we're awesome, but because we realized we're the opposite, and accepted Jesus' blood to make us whole before God. Now he offers his aid by his Spirit for life today, life in the trenches.
Read moreFriend of Sinners, Part 2 (Mark 2:15)
Friend of Sinners Part 2
(Mark 2:15)
Now, the day of salvation in your life should be a day of celebration, and that's how Levi saw things. He invited Jesus to his house and invited his friends, many tax collectors and sinners. They gathered around the table and, as was their custom, reclined as they feasted together. It was a celebration, but also a farewell party. Levi had a new life, calling, and adventure in front of him. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreFaith Accesses Victory From God (Hebrews 11:29–31)
Faith Accesses Victory From God
(Hebrews 11:29–31)
Pat Benatar sang, "love is a battlefield." OK. But I think life is a battlefield. The pressures, the attacks, the deadlines, the struggles: they feel like war. Bullets flying, missiles whirring, and I think I might become a casualty of life. (7/1700 Words)
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