Sunday Sermon: Future Church (Joshua 5:13-15)
Read moreKnowing God 11—God Prepares—Exodus 17:8-18:27
Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 11—God Prepares—Exodus 17:8-18:27
Read moreJesus Rejects Self-Sufficiency While Looking for Dependence Upon God (Mark 9:25-29)
Jesus Rejects Self-Sufficiency While Looking for Dependence Upon God
(Mark 9:25-29)
Jesus loves to save. And sometimes he will save us by allowing things to get worse before they get better. In the time of worsening, you must still believe, even with imperfect faith, in his ability and desire to break through. (3 Minutes/700 Words)
Read moreBelieve the Right Things About Jesus (Mark 3:20-35)
Believe the Right Things About Jesus
(Mark 3:20-35)
Mark sets up our next scene by pointing out two separate groups, Jesus' family and the scribes. But before looking at each group and their response to Christ, Mark is clear to point out why both of them reacted to Jesus at this time. The crowds. (14 Minutes/3600 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Faith Accesses Victory From God
Faith Accesses Victory From God
Archival Post
We are a people in need of God's victory, his help in life. And believers have this great advantage. We are on team Jesus. Not because we're awesome, but because we realized we're the opposite, and accepted Jesus' blood to make us whole before God. Now he offers his aid by his Spirit for life today, life in the trenches.
Read moreArchival Post: Overcoming Your Jerichos
Overcoming Your Jerichos
Archival Post
Joshua, the newly minted leader of Israel, was perplexed. Moses always knew what to do, but now he was gone. In recent days, God worked miraculously to bring nomadic Israel into the permanence of the Promised Land, parting the Jordan River's floodwaters so they could enter in. Forty years earlier God had split the Red Sea for their parents and grandparents, and now God showed this new generation his favor. He brought them into the land. But once in, what would they do? Where would they go?
Read moreBy Jericho - Joshua 5:13-15
Today, I want to take you to a little passage in Joshua 5:13-15. These three short verses really have been meaningful in my life and in my heart. And the reason why I want to share these verses with you today, whenever you're listening to this, is three-fold.
Read moreWalk in Truth - Consider the Season (1 John 2:18-20)
Walk in Truth Consider the Season
(1 John 2:18-20)
I want you to think of Joseph in the section of John's writing we are entering into today. You see, when you come to Christ, there is a feeling of abundance. You are forgiven for your sin through Jesus' substitutionary death, connected to your Father in heaven, and a recipient of the Spirit. (10 Minutes/2600 Words)
Read moreExodus 24-25
God just longs to be at the center of our lives. This is one of the major lessons that we will continue to learn through the back half of the book of Exodus, seeing the directions concerning the tabernacle. He longs to fellowship with his people. He wants to be at the center of our lives. He wants to be in a relationship with us.
Read moreArchival Post: Make Dead Friends
Make Dead Friends
Archival Post
While writing to the church about the proper handling of liberties, Paul encouraged his readers to develop a lot of dead friends. What I mean is, he thought the endurance required for the Christian life requires a relationship with the characters of the Old Testament.
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