In our last study in the Book of Exodus, we saw God begin the process of calling Moses to be the figurehead who would be the deliverer, the prophet, the instrument that God would use to deliver the people of Israel from their slavery in Egypt. They of course had grown in Egypt over a number of years, over 400 years and had gone there originally as a small family with favor from pharaoh because of Joseph and the good success and ministry that he had executed as the right-hand man of pharaoh, but Exodus tells us that a day came when a pharaoh arose who did not know Joseph.
Read moreGenesis 35-37
Today we're in the book of Genesis chapter 35. If you turn there in your Bibles. Genesis chapter 35. Now this chapter really is the conclusion to the journey of, and story of Jacob. His sons will be the focus of the rest of the book of Genesis, especially his son, Joseph, and also his son Judah.
Read moreGenesis 32-34
In our continuation through the Book of Genesis today, chapters 32-34, we’ll be looking at the story of Jacob returning to the land of promise after years on the run. And before we get into that, I just want to thank you for joining and continuing through the Book of Genesis with me.
Read moreGenesis 29-31
Where we left off in our last study in the book of Genesis, we saw Jacob clearly and obviously chosen by God. He of course had manipulated his way into receiving his father's blessing. But then after going on the run from his brother, Esau, God met Jacob at Bethel. The ladder of God was lowered in his vision or dream from heaven down to Jacob and angels from God ascending and descending upon the ladder.
Read moreFaith Worships Only God (Hebrews 11:21)
Faith Worships Only God
(Hebrews 11:21)
The author to the Hebrews knew a Christian life mixed with even the lightest persecution would be difficult. He imagined his audience, outcast Jewish Christians, no longer accepted in their old Jewish communities, in need of help for their journey. So he told his hearers to live by faith. He quoted Habakkuk, "the just shall live by faith" (Habakkuk 2:4). (6 minutes/1400 Words)
Read moreFaith Submits to God (Hebrews 11:20)
Faith Submits to God
(Hebrews 11:20)
The author of Hebrews longed for his readers to live by faith. As Jewish people who'd received Jesus as Messiah-Christ, they were in for ostracization and persecution. The church community was their new spiritual family, and for many of them, it was the only family who would receive them anymore. For them, Christianity was costly, and they paid the price by living as outcasts from their society. (5 Minutes/1300 Words)
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