Sunday Teaching: Exodus Christmas—John 8:34-36
Read moreJesus Famous Podcast | Ben Sobels - Vegemite, Lawyer To Pastor, & The Hope For Discipleship
Pastor Nate sits down with Ben Sobels, Pastor of Cypress Church for a taste of Vegemite and to hear Ben's story! Ben talks his encounters with Jesus and how he grew in his faith and in his ministry as a pastor living in the California Monterey area.
Read moreArchival Post: The Call of the Father
The Call of the Father
Archival Post
Buck the dog, in Jack London’s classic The Call Of The Wild, had grown up in lazy and sunny Northern California. He had lived what many would call the good life, roaming Judge Miller's spacious property in the Santa Clara Valley. But since Buck was a beast of an animal, a strong and fine specimen, one day he was stolen, sold, and shipped to Alaska. There, he worked as a sled dog delivering mail and, eventually, searching for gold. The tale is one of discovery, for Buck thought he was happy on those sun-kissed days in the valley, but it turned out life in the Yukon was a fuller and more vibrant life.
Read moreNehemiah 11-12—God Renews His People With Joyful Dedication
Sunday Teaching: Nehemiah 11-12—God Renews His People With Joyful Dedication
Read moreJesus Famous Men #1: They Love God Because He First Loved Them
The first question we should ask is this: why study? Why take time out of our busy lives to think about, meditate on, contemplate, and digest a study of God's word? The answer is in the question.
Read moreExile Work -- 1 Peter 2:18-25 -- The Grace of Exile #13
Exile Work -- 1 Peter 2:18-25 -- The Grace of Exile #13
Read moreArchival Post: I Am Only a Youth
I Am Only a Youth
Archival Post
Jeremiah might be my favorite prophet. With endurance and steadfastness, he pushed and pulled with the nation of Israel, but also with God. His road, like all the prophets', was hard. The people would reject him, over and over again, and he had to say hard words.
Read moreExodus 4
In our last study in the Book of Exodus, we saw God begin the process of calling Moses to be the figurehead who would be the deliverer, the prophet, the instrument that God would use to deliver the people of Israel from their slavery in Egypt. They of course had grown in Egypt over a number of years, over 400 years and had gone there originally as a small family with favor from pharaoh because of Joseph and the good success and ministry that he had executed as the right-hand man of pharaoh, but Exodus tells us that a day came when a pharaoh arose who did not know Joseph.
Read moreExodus 3
At the close of Exodus chapter two, we were told that God saw Israel's distress. In fact, we were told that God heard their distress and that God saw their distress and that God was willing to come down and deal with their distress. Exodus 2:25, closed that distress of Israel with a statement, "God saw the people of Israel and God knew." With that, we're set up for the events of Exodus chapter three, that God has seen the difficulty of the people of Israel. He's seen them in their slavery in Egypt, and He's seen that they are now subjected to a Pharaoh who's forgotten Joseph who came before, and He now is going to move on their behalf.
Read moreAn Adventure With God (Acts 16:1-5)
An Adventure With God
(Acts 16:1-5)
Sometimes God's people must take a risk. Consider Timothy (Acts 16:1-5). Paul and Barnabas were no longer a team. So Paul needed a new ministry companion and trainee. He went to Timothy's hometown and heard about the young man. He overflowed with potential. (1 Minute/200 Words)