Sunday Sermon—Knowing God 01: His Presence (Exodus 1:1-2:10)
Read moreArchival Post: I Am Only a Youth
I Am Only a Youth
Archival Post
Jeremiah might be my favorite prophet. With endurance and steadfastness, he pushed and pulled with the nation of Israel, but also with God. His road, like all the prophets', was hard. The people would reject him, over and over again, and he had to say hard words.
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Personal & Pastoral Updates, Prayer Requests
I am starting to dream about gathering together again as a church body... literally dreaming of it. I had one the other night, and the joy to see each other was off the charts. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreI Am Only a Youth (Jeremiah 1:6-7)
I Am Only a Youth
(Jeremiah 1:6-7)
Jeremiah might be my favorite prophet. With endurance and steadfastness, he pushed and pulled with the nation of Israel, but also with God. His road, like all the prophets', was hard. The people would reject him, over and over again, and he had to say hard words. (1 Minute/400 Words)
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