The first question we should ask is this: why study? Why take time out of our busy lives to think about, meditate on, contemplate, and digest a study of God's word? The answer is in the question.
Read moreMark: An Introduction
An Introduction
The study of Mark, or any other of the gospels in the New Testament, should lead us beyond mere learning or curiosity. We should not approach them as a way to dissect Jesus or learn a little more about his fascinating life and lifestyle. Mark's goal was for his readers to confront Jesus so that spiritual formation could occur. He did not want mere dissection or gawking, but an exchange. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreExodus: 10-11
Welcome to our Tuesday Night Through the Bible Series. Right now, we're in the book of Exodus and will look at chapters 10 and 11 in this session. As we begin in Exodus 10, we are dropping into the tail end of the plague series that God brought upon Pharaoh and Egypt, and we will be looking at the eighth and ninth plagues.
Read moreArchival Post: The Reverent, Faithful, Whole-Hearted Bible Teacher
The Reverent, Faithful, Whole-Hearted Bible Teacher
Archival Post
King Jehoshaphat was one of Judah’s godly kings. He established reforms and devoted himself (and the people) to the worship of the LORD. One initiative of his was to reestablish the Levites, priests, and heads of families. God intended for each of them to instruct others in Scripture, but by the days of Jehoshaphat it wasn't happening, so he revived them. Each role — Levites, priests, and family heads — would begin to speak the word of God once again. It was time for Scripture to find application in the daily lives of the people. (6 Minutes/1500 Words)
Read moreFaith Is Loved by God (Hebrews 11:2)
Faith Is Loved by God
(Hebrews 11:2)
The author of Hebrews felt a need to brace his readers for coming troubles by urging them to live by faith. He did not want them to shrink back into the Old Covenant but move forward in Christ. He envisioned them enjoying the access to the throne of God their invisible High Priest, Jesus Christ, gave them. (4 Minutes/900 Words)
Read moreSabbatical Update: Greatest. Summer. Of. My. Life.
Sabbatical Update
Greatest. Summer. Of. My. Life.
I am forever grateful to Calvary Monterey for sending me on sabbatical this past summer. It was the best summer of my entire life. Taking a full two months for rest and adventure came at a perfect moment. (6 Minutes/1600 Words)
Read moreThe Reverent, Faithful, Whole-Hearted Bible Teacher (2 Chronicles 19:9)
The Reverent, Faithful, Whole-Hearted Bible Teacher
(2 Chronicles 19:9)
King Jehoshaphat was one of Judah’s godly kings. He established reforms and devoted himself (and the people) to the worship of the LORD. One initiative of his was to reestablish the Levites, priests, and heads of families. God intended for each of them to instruct others in Scripture, (10 Minutes/1500 Words)
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