I'm sure you always read the full agreement you make with various companies to use their software and hardware. A recent Apple software license agreement is 451 pages long. And when you clicked "I agree" I'm sure it's because you took the weekend to read through it. Or maybe your lawyer perused it. But did you know God has made agreements with humanity? The biblical word for these agreements is "covenant."
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After setting the stage and telling us about John the Baptist, Mark immediately takes us to the inauguration of Jesus' earthly ministry. (6 Minutes/1600 Words)
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The church is not slavishly following Christ, for He is ever loving and gentle and kind. The husband is to be the same, one who emulates the love of Jesus Christ.
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Now, early Christians clearly considered this a vital event. In the book of Acts, after Jesus ascended to heaven, the disciples felt they needed to find a replacement for Judas Iscariot, and they wanted someone who'd been with them since Jesus' baptism (Acts 1:21-22). (6 Minutes/1600 Words)
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In the earliest years of my walk with Christ, God placed me in a church with a rugged man for a pastor. He and his wife suffered much physical affliction but also chose pain for the mission of Christ. They were some of the toughest people I'd ever seen. It was apparent that their Christianity took strength, and that their Christianity made them strong. (15 Minutes/3000 Words)
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I'm sure you always read the full agreement you make with various companies to use their software and hardware. A recent Apple software license agreement is 451 pages long. And when you clicked "I agree" I'm sure it's because you took the weekend to read through it. Or maybe your lawyer perused it. (13 Minutes/3200 Words)
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I recently sat down with a pastoral friend of mine to catch up. During the course of our conversation, we began talking about various ministries and events coming up in each our lives. Since Christmas, at the time of the conversation, was right around the corner, he began asking me about our Christmas Eve Services, so I told him about the teaching rhythm I've landed on for both that service and also Good Friday. (10 Minutes/1800 Words)
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That Paul does not have a brutal or tyrannical marriage relationship in mind when he exhorts the wife to submit to her husband is evident in this next section. The church is not slavishly following Christ, for He is ever loving and gentle and kind. The husband is to be the same, one who emulates the love of Jesus Christ. This love is to pour from his life just as Christ’s blood flowed on the cross. He is not to love his wife with a flimsy or fleeting love, but a strong and sacrificial one. He is to remember to die for his bride. (4 Minutes/800 Words)
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