God can save anybody. If you are a Christian, you know it's true. God can reach into any life and heal their brokenness and forgive their sin. Often, though, what we know disconnects itself from how we act. We say God can save anyone, but do we believe it?
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Perhaps you've had a similar experience. You've read something in the Bible, an area to obey, and set out to do it. Good work. But, perhaps just as quickly, you discovered how hard it was to obey. (2 Minutes/500 Words)
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All right, Genesis chapter 18 is where we're at in the word today. And the word that I'd like to start out this teaching with is the word, grace. The word, grace. You see, in our last episode in Abraham's life in chapter 17, God re-established His promise with His man, Abraham, and his wife, Sarah, communicating to them that Ishmael would not be the promised seed from whom the promises of God would flow, but that God would give to Abraham and his wife, Sarah, not Ishmael's mother, Hagar, but his wife, Sarah, that God would give them a child. And the reason why I want to say the word, grace to start this teaching is because that's exactly what God is extending to His people. Though they have interfered with God's best for their lives, though they have allowed themselves to get off track, God by His grace is still taking them to the ultimate destination that He has for them…
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In the earliest years of my walk with Christ, God placed me in a church with a rugged man for a pastor. He and his wife suffered much physical affliction but also chose pain for the mission of Christ. They were some of the toughest people I'd ever seen. It was apparent that their Christianity took strength, and that their Christianity made them strong. (15 Minutes/3000 Words)
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"Sarah herself received power to conceive." It is an exhilarating statement. In her old age, Abraham's wife received God's power for the impossible by faith. She came to trust God, and that reliance upon the omnipotent God yield her the child of promise. God had told Abraham and Sarah they'd have a child together. They could cling to the word of God on this one. (5 Minutes/1300 Words)
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God can save anybody. If you are a Christian, you know it's true. God can reach into any life and heal their brokenness and forgive their sin. Often, though, what we know disconnects itself from how we act. We say God can save anyone, but do we believe it? (5 Minutes/1200 Words)
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