Our episode today provides a significant contrast with the glory of the mount of transfiguration. All the gospel writers are careful to record the stories together. They wanted us to note the differences between the two scenes. (5 Minutes/1300 Words)
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Here, when Adam and Eve have another son, they called him Seth. His name might mean something like seat or buttocks or new beginning or foundation. It's clear Eve felt there was something special about this son, saying, God has appointed for me another offspring instead of Abel. This is beautiful because of the clear hope found in Eve. (8 Minutes/2000 Words)
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The church is not slavishly following Christ, for He is ever loving and gentle and kind. The husband is to be the same, one who emulates the love of Jesus Christ.
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So far, in our journey with David, we've seen his earliest years. God had called and anointed David, and the early signs of God's blessings were upon him. But it is at this point a dilemma arises -- How would He elevate a young teenage boy into Israel’s limelight? How would He get the heart of the nation to be for the God-hearted man, David? Goliath was God’s answer. (10 Minutes/3000 Words)
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As we saw in last week's introductory 1 John post, false teachers had crept into the early church. John could not stand idly by and let these deceivers talk about Jesus as if they knew Him. John had to step up to the plate and defend the historical and actual Jesus and share about His Master, Friend, Teacher, and Savior. (8 Minutes/2000 Words)
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Have you ever seen those UFC advertisements where they put the pictures of the two fighters next to each other? Sometimes they have their fists up like they're ready to pounce right on the poster — Guy #1 vs. Guy #2. A battle is brewing. (2 Minutes/500 Words)
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Our ancient Hebrew pilgrim, readying himself for the journey to Jerusalem, wanted God in his life. He wanted God every day, not only during the three annual feasts at the temple. He understood, though, how limited his everyday experience with God would be if he didn't go to Jerusalem. If he never gathered with other believers to worship God, he'd experience less of God than he craved. (20 Minutes/5000 Words)
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That Paul does not have a brutal or tyrannical marriage relationship in mind when he exhorts the wife to submit to her husband is evident in this next section. The church is not slavishly following Christ, for He is ever loving and gentle and kind. The husband is to be the same, one who emulates the love of Jesus Christ. This love is to pour from his life just as Christ’s blood flowed on the cross. He is not to love his wife with a flimsy or fleeting love, but a strong and sacrificial one. He is to remember to die for his bride. (4 Minutes/800 Words)
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