Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 16—God's Nature—Exodus 32-34
Read moreJesus Famous Podcast | Throwback Episode: Jesus Brings His People Into True Rest
Today we bring you a special throwback episode where we will have a conversation about Pastor Nate’s article entitled “Jesus Brings His People Into True Rest". What is true rest? We hope that this episode encourages you that Jesus may bring you into true rest!
Read moreFly 19—Gospel Community—Galatians 6:1-5
Sunday Sermon: Fly 19—Gospel Community—Galatians 6:1-5
Read moreSeeing God Correctly: God Offers Restoration (Mark 3:1-6)
Seeing God Correctly: God Offers Restoration
(Mark 3:1-6)
Many of us sense personal brokenness within. We are embarrassed by bad habits, unreasonable emotions, broken relationships, and personal failures. We sense that we are not everything we are supposed to be or could have been, but what can we do about it? (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreJesus Famous Men #2: They Are Being Restored By Christ
Jesus Famous Men Are Being Restored By Christ
Read moreExodus 33-34
As a reminder, we're here in the book of Exodus, in the middle of a three-chapter section where the people of Israel first rebelled in building the golden calf while Moses was still on Mount Sinai. Then secondly, and we'll see it in this chapter, Moses will mediate for the people. He's actually already begun mediating for the people a little bit in chapter 32, which we saw in our last study together. And then finally, God is going to restore the people of Israel. So that's the flow that we're in, in this little three chapter section. Rebellion of Israel, the mediation of Moses for Israel, and then the restoration of God to Israel.
Read moreGenesis 32-34
In our continuation through the Book of Genesis today, chapters 32-34, we’ll be looking at the story of Jacob returning to the land of promise after years on the run. And before we get into that, I just want to thank you for joining and continuing through the Book of Genesis with me.
Read moreThe Strategy of Unforgiveness (2 Corinthians 2:11)
The Strategy of Unforgiveness
(2 Corinthians 2:11)
Paul had asked the Corinthian church to do something difficult. In his previous letter, he'd told them to remove one of the members who was in unrepentant rebellion against God. They didn't want to, but they did. (2 Minutes/400 Words)
Read moreEvil Will End (Mark 10:18)
Evil Will End
(Mark 10:18)
Christians believe God is good. We also believe He is omnipotent. The combination of these beliefs has often been used as an argument God does not exist. (1 Minute/300 Words)
Read moreSeeing Hard Things (Psalm 60:3)
Seeing Hard Things
(Psalm 60:3)
The prayer of Psalm 60 is for restoration. The people, due to a long period breaking God's covenant and commands, were experiencing the consequences of their sin. (2 Minutes/400 Words)
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